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  • London School of Tropical Medicine (10th Session) group portrait including Sir Patric Manson, M.C. Blair, R.F. de Boissiere, C.W. Daniels, A.H. Davies, J.T. Hancock O. Galgey, and E. Da Cunha, G. Hungerford, Sir Francis Lovell, J. Lunn, G. Lecesne, W.S. Milne, T. Hood, M. Sandeman, D. Steel, Dr. Sambon, G.D. Warren, Charles and Robert the lab assistants
  • John Wesley. Stipple engraving by R. Hancock, 1790, after J. Miller.
  • Foreign prescriptions : hormone therapy incorporating fresh glands, homeopathic body minerals, multiple vitamins for the restoration and preservation of health, youth and physical perfection in both sexes. Dispensed according to the research of the most noted European & foreign specialists, physicians, dermatologists and beauty culturists, forming the most successful methods yet devised for combating ill health, premature age and loss of atractiveness / [Hancock & Co. Ltd].
  • A horse trotting. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.
  • A horse trotting. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.