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  • Bournemouth rationing scheme : leaflet for the guidance of the householder who fills up and signs the application form / A.B.B. Scott, Executive Officer, Bournemouth Food Control Committee.
  • Bournemouth rationing scheme : leaflet for the guidance of the householder who fills up and signs the application form / A.B.B. Scott, Executive Officer, Bournemouth Food Control Committee.
  • A person receiving a blood transfusion, 2 people forming a brown shadow within a red heart, a range of sharp instruments about to be sterilised, and a pregnant woman with the silhouette of her fetus showing; a warning about the dangers of contracting AIDS by the AIDS Control Project of the Goverment of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad. Colour lithograph, 1994.
  • Solanum laciniatum Aiton Solanaceae. Kangaroo Apple. Evergreen shrub. Distribution: New Zealand and the east coast of Australia. It contains steroidal saponins that can be converted into steroids, including progesterone, oestrogens, cortisone, prednisolone etc. In 1943, Professor Russell Marker discovered a method of obtaining an unsaturated steroidal saponine, diosogenin, from Mexican yam (Dioscorea mexicana), which can easily and cheaply be converted into steroids, such as prednisone and progesterone, reducing the price of steroid production to a fraction (0.5%) of its former cost. For 20 years drug companies showed little interest, and it was only as a result of Professor Marker forming his own company, and the concerted efforts of several gynaecologists, physiologists and birth-control advocates, that the contraceptive pill was ‘born’ in 1960. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Visualising the human breath ("Sing"), Artwork
  • Nodal gene expression in mouse embryos
  • A Gene Timer system
  • General Georges Mouton sits perched on an enormous clyster; representing his use of a prototype water-cannon in quelling an uprising. Lithograph after A. Desperret after Charles Philipon, c. 1831.
  • Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea), X-ray
  • Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea), X-ray