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  • Explorers: James Cook, Bougainville, Dumont d'Urville, and La Pérouse. Engraving.
  • Mimeograph [?]: 'The explorers having got wet...'
  • Arabs visiting Kwirara in Africa; Arab and European explorers shaking hands. Lithograph.
  • Lake Ngami: Africans and European explorers on its bank. Wood engraving by J.W. Whymper after A. Rider.
  • A British sailor and an exotic figure from 'Scenes of European explorers in Africa, native Africans, and African landscapes'
  • Children being instructed in the exploits of famous explorers such as Columbus and Cook, whose portraits are shown in roundels. Etching by R. Pollard after Dodd, 17--.
  • Connect : Talk. Explore. Resolve / Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • Connect : Talk. Explore. Resolve / Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • Connect : Talk. Explore. Resolve / Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • Connect : Talk. Explore. Resolve / Terrence Higgins Trust.