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  • Puhoro: tracing of the chisel cuts used in a Maori design of tattooing on the thigh. Watercolour by H.G. Robley.
  • One folded sheet containing the silhouette torso of Michelangelo's David and a list of excuses for not practising safe sex; advertisement by the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. Colour lithograph by Larry Stinson and Les Poppas.
  • One folded sheet containing the silhoutte torso of Michelangelo's David and a list of excuses for not practising safe sex; advertisement by the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. Colour lithograph by Larry Stinson and Les Poppas.
  • One folded sheet containing the silhoutte torso of Michelangelo's David and a list of excuses for not practising safe sex; advertisement by the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. Colour lithograph by Larry Stinson and Les Poppas.
  • The healer.
  • The healer.
  • The healer.
  • The healer.
  • The healer.
  • The healer.