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  • Colonies of E. coli bacteria, LM
  • Salmonella colonies - MacConkey's Medium
  • Streptococcus pyogenes: colonies growing on blood
  • Brucella colonies growing on serum dextrose
  • Britannia pointing to Sanatogen, Formamint, and German colonies in Africa and the East Indies as new British possessions. Colour process print after E.F. Skinner.
  • The German flag is being pulled by the Allies from under a dachshund representing Germany; representig the seizure of German colonies by the Allies in the First World War. Drawing by A.G. Racey, 191-.
  • A view from the universe : St. Peter's at Rome : in which the various empires, kingdoms, republics, states, principal islands, colonies, and discoveries of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, alphabetically arranged, are shown at one glance, and included in a single line, with the situation, extent, chief cities, their population, distances in British miles from London ...
  • A view from the universe : St. Peter's at Rome : in which the various empires, kingdoms, republics, states, principal islands, colonies, and discoveries of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, alphabetically arranged, are shown at one glance, and included in a single line, with the situation, extent, chief cities, their population, distances in British miles from London ...
  • Traité de la culture du nopal : et de l'éducation de la cochenille dans les colonies françaises de l'Amérique. Précédé d'un voyage a Guaxaca ... Auquel on a ajouté une préface, des notes & des observations relatives à la culture de la cochenille ... / Le tout recueilli & publié par le Cercle des Philadelphes établi au Cap-Français.
  • Directions for bringing over seeds and plants, from the East Indies and other distant countries, in a state of vegetation: together with a catalogue of such foreign plants as are worthy of being encouraged in our American colonies, for the purposes of medicine, agriculture, and commerce. To which is added, the figure and botanical description of a new sensitive plant, called Dionoea muscipula: or, Venus's fly-trap / By John Ellis, F.R.S.