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  • Through the window / designed by Sarah Adams ; sold in aid of Blue Cross.
  • Through the window / designed by Sarah Adams ; sold in aid of Blue Cross.
  • A glass of water against a blue background representing an AIDS awareness advertisement by the Program on AIDS Thai Red Cross Society. Colour lithograph, ca. 1990's.
  • A blue cross containing stylised representations of situations in which the Aedes aegypti mosquito can flourish: discarded rubbish, a bin, water, a house etc. , and a representation of the mosquito itself. Colour lithograph, ca. 1982.
  • A hand pointing to a red heart above which is balanced a blue anchor and above that a yellow cross representing an advertisement for the 13th International AIDS conference on 19th May 1996 in Denmark, Fakkeltog Mod AIDS. Colour lithograph, 1994.
  • A red and white criss-crossed painting by M.A. Plumelle with the words 'Lutte contre le SIDA - echange - partage - accueil - ecoute - information - soutien' repeated in blue lettering at the top; advertisement for AIDES, the support group for those with HIV/AIDS. Colour lithograph.
  • Sarsarparilla root under the microscope.
  • Jose Saiow, a Laguna Pueblo Indian medicine man. Pastel by W. Langdon Kihn, 1921.
  • Jose Saiow, a Laguna Pueblo Indian medicine man. Pastel by W. Langdon Kihn, 1921.
  • Jose Saiow, a Laguna Pueblo Indian medicine man. Pastel by W. Langdon Kihn, 1921.