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  • A dilapidated building with an apse, a gable and a bell-tower. Etching, 1819.
  • Astronomy: Galileo, after using the telescope on the bell-tower of St Mark's Square, Venice, demonstrates his findings to the Doge, 1609. Engraving by J. P. Le Bas after himself, 1739.
  • Metallurgy: casting a bell for the clock of the New Palace of Westminster. Wood engraving, 1856.
  • Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, Norfolk. Line engraving by E. Harding, 1801, after C. Tomkins.
  • The Campanile, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. Wood engraving by W.E. Hodgkin after B. Sly after C. Lanyon.
  • Delft, the Netherlands: left, the city on fire in 1536; right, St Lazarus's House with a resident receiving news of the fire. Engraving, 15--.
  • Collegium Romanum, Rome: with the extended piazza a key to the surrounding buildings. Line engraving.
  • International Exhibition, Barcelona: a Spanish village with the tower of Utebo in the background and people in the foreground. Colour lithograph by X. Nogues, 1929.
  • Saint Pantaleon (Panteleion, Panteleimon). Engraving by Theodosios Rosos, 1818.
  • People using advanced materials and modes of transport in the year 2000, some travelling in hot-air balloons, some with their own wings, and some in carriages running on steam. Lithograph by C.J. Grant, 1834.