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  • Idealized profile of Martha Hess, exemplifying Lavater's principle of the homogeneity of the face. Drawing, c. 1791, after J.H. Füssli.
  • Idealized profile of Martha Hess, exemplifying Lavater's principle of the homogeneity of the face. Drawing, c. 1791, after J.H. Füssli.
  • King James I of England and VI of Scotland with Charles Prince of Wales. Engraving by W. van de Passe, ca. 1625.
  • King James I of England and VI of Scotland with Charles Prince of Wales. Engraving by W. van de Passe, ca. 1625.
  • Information on how to protect yourself against the HIV virus and AIDS in wavy writing with an information line; advertisement by the Illinois Department of Public Health. Colour lithograph, 1992.
  • Three witches with a cat, a dog and a bird. Engraving, ca. 1800, after a woodcut, 1619.
  • Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count von Rumford. Mezzotint by J. R. Smith, 1801, after himself.
  • Bando, e suspensione per causa di contagio / Octavio Macchiavelli.
  • King George III sits in his library pondering which advice to accept: to govern by law or by force. Engraving, 1771.
  • Attributes of Pehar and his four companions in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
