816 results filtered with: World War, 1939-1945
- Books
Conduct under fire : four American doctors and their fight for life as prisoners of the Japanese, 1941-1945 / John A. Glusman.
Glusman, John.Date: 2005- Books
Die Frankfurter Universitätsmedizin zwischen 1933 und 1945 / Udo Benzenhöfer.
Benzenhöfer, UdoDate: 2012- Books
Red berets and red crosses : the story of the medical services in the 1st Airborne Division in World War II / [N. Cherry].
Cherry, Niall.Date: 1999- Books
Geerbtes Schweigen : Die Folgen der NS-"Euthanasie" / Bernhard Gitschtaler.
Gitschtaler, Bernhard, 1987-Date: [2016]- Books
Psychiatrie des Todes : NS-Zwangsterilisation und "Euthanasie" im Freistaat Anhalt und in der Provinz Sachsen / Ute Hoffmann (Hrsg.).
Date: 2001-- Ephemera
- Online
Emergency outdoor cooking stoves / Ministry of Food.
Date: [between 1940 and 1949?]- Books
War-handicapped children : report on the European situation / [Thérèse Brosse].
Brosse, Thérèse.Date: [1950]- Books
Minorities in wartime : national and racial groupings in Europe, North America, and Australia during the two World Wars / edited by Panikos Panayi.
Date: 1993- Pictures
A military parade in France: civilians join the French army in celebrating the liberation of France from Germany in World War II. Colour process print, 195-.
Date: [between 1950 and 1959?]Reference: 675129iPart of: Tableaux d'élocution- Books
Wo sind sie hingekommen? : der unterschlagene Völkermord an den Sinti und Roma / Michail Krausnick.
Krausnick, Michail, 1943-Date: [1995], ©1995- Books
Lebensspuren : biografische Skizzen von Opfern der NS-Euthanasie in Schloss Hartheim / Florian Schwanninger, Irene Zauner-Leitner.
Schwanninger, Florian, 1977-Date: 2013- Books
Cerebral beriberi (Wernicke's Encephalopathy) : review of 52 cases in a Singapore Prisoner-of-War hospital / H.E. de Wardener, B. Lennox.
De Wardener, H. E. (Hugh Edward)Date: [1947]- Books
P.O.W. in the Pacific : memoirs of an American doctor in World War II / William N. Donovan ; edited by Josephine Donovan with Ann Devigne Donovan.
Donovan, William N., 1910-Date: 1998- Books
United States Army Dental Service in World War II / [George F. Jeffcott].
Jeffcott, George F.Date: 1955- Books
The Combined Food Board : a study in wartime international planning / by Eric Roll.
Roll of Ipsden, Eric Roll, Baron, 1907-2005.Date: [1956]- Books
Die Versorgung der Wehrmacht (Heer und Luftwaffe) mit Arzneimitteln im Zweiten Weltkrieg / von Walter Deckenbrock.
Deckenbrock, Walter.Date: [1984], ©1984- Ephemera
- Online
Composite ration pack : type A (14 men for one day) : contents and suggested use...
Date: 1943- Books
La sanità militare in Italia durante la I guerra mondiale / Domenico De Napoli.
De Napoli, Domenico.Date: [1989], ©1989- Books
A doctor in XIVth Army : Burma 1944-1945 / by Charles Evans ; with illustrations by the author.
Evans, Charles, 1918-1995.Date: 1998- Books
The London Philharmonic Orchestra : conductors: Constant Lambert, Dr. Malcolm Sargent, William Walton : Solo pianoforte: Eileen Joyce.
Date: 1940- Ephemera
- Online
1942-43 clothing book... : this book is number EP625035 / Board of Trade.
Date: 1942- Student dissertations
Japan's human experimentation in the 1930s-40s / Sindhu Bhaarrati Naidu.
Naidu, Sindhu Bhaarrati.Date: [2011]- Books
Partisan hospitals in Yugoslavia, 1941-1945 / Dr. Djordje Dragić.
Dragić, Đorđe.Date: 1966- Books
Red Cross & St. John : the official record of the humanitarian services of the War Organisation of the British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 1939-1947 / compiled by P.G. Cambray and G.G.B. Briggs.
Cambray, P. G.Date: 1949- Books
Legacies of Dachau : the uses and abuses of a concentration camp, 1933-2001 / Harold Marcuse.
Marcuse, Harold, 1957-Date: 2001