1,111 results filtered with: Pharmacology
- Books
Pharmacopoea belgica.
Date: 1906- Archives and manuscripts
Date: 1844-1847Reference: MS.4435Part of: Schneller, Joseph von (1811-1885)- Books
- Online
Pharmacology : action and uses of drugs / by Maurice Vejux Tyrode.
Tyrode, Maurice Vejux, 1878-Date: 1912- Books
Veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics / L. Meyer Jones.
Jones, L. Meyer (Leo Meyer), 1913-Date: [1954]- Books
Pharmacopœia of the Seamen's Hospital Society ("Dreadnought").
Seamen's Hospital Society (London, England)Date: 1910- Books
The therapeutic agents of the quinoline group, cinchophen, plasmoquine, nupercaine, quinine and acridine dyes : the relation between their chemical constitution and pharmacologic action / by W.F. von Oettingen.
Von Oettingen, W. F. (Wolfgang Felix), 1888-1976.Date: 1933- Books
- Online
The elements of therapeutics : a clinical guide to the action of medicines / by C. Binz ; tr. from the 5th German ed., and ed., with additions, in conformity with the British and American pharmacopoeias, by Edward I. Sparks.
Binz, Carl, 1832-1913.Date: 1877- Journals
Therapie : revue de thérapeutique et de pharmacologie clinique.
- Books
- Online
Dictionnaire botanique et pharmaceutique, contenant les principales propriétés des minéraux, des végétaux et des animaux, avec les préparations de pharmacie, internes et externes, les plus usitées en médecine et en chirurgie, d'après les meilleurs auteurs anciens, et sur-tout d'après les auteurs modernes / par une société de médecins, de pharmaciens et de naturalistes [Nicolas Alexandre].
Alexandre, Nicolas.Date: 1802- Books
Prof. Dr. A. Nabi Kastarlak 1891-1958 : Farmakoloji ve Tedavi Profesörü Istanbul Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Türkiye 1933-1958.
Date: 2000- Videos
- Online
Medical application of sulphonamides.
Date: 1948- Journals
Excerpta medica. Section 2. Physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology.
- Archives and manuscripts
Miscellany: German, 19th-20th centuries
Date: 1823-1925Reference: MS.7424- Books
Practical pharmacology : for the use of students of medicine / by W.E. Dixon.
Dixon, Walter E. (Walter Ernest), 1871-1931.Date: 1920- Books
Advances in pharmacology. Volume 3 / edited by Silvio Garattini, Parkhurst A. Shore.
Date: 1964- Books
Deutsches Arzneibuch : DAB 7 / herausgegeben vom Minister für Gesundheitswesen.
Date: 1964-- Books
Pharmakologie als theoretische Grundlage einer rationellen Pharmakotherapie / von Knud O. Møller ; Übersetzung und Bearbeitung nach der 3. dänischen Aufl. von O. Walker.
Møller, Knud Ove, 1896-Date: 1947- Books
- Online
The essentials of materia medica and therapeutics / by Alfred Baring Garrod.
Garrod, Baring Alfred, Sir, 1819-1907.Date: 1869- Books
- Online
Früchte aus dem Morgenlande, oder, Reise-Erlebnisse : nebst naturhistorisch-medizinischen Erfahrungen, einigen hundert erprobten Arzneimitteln und einer neuen Heilart dem Medial-Systeme / von Johann Martin Honigberger.
Honigberger, John Martin, 1795-1869.Date: 1851- Film
Medical application of sulphonamides.
Date: [1948?]- Videos
Pain, pus and poison.
Date: 2013- Books
- Online
The essentials of materia medica and therapeutics / by Alfred Baring Garrod.
Garrod, Alfred Baring, 1819-1907.Date: 1886- Books
- Online
Aegidii Corboliensis carmina medica / ad fidem manu scriptorum codicum et veterum editionum recensuit, notis et indicibus illustravit Ludovicus Choulant.
Date: 1826- Journals
The journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics.
- Books
- Online
Penn's pharmacology; or, medical and chemical compendium / By Thomas Penn.
Penn, Thomas.Date: 1822