284 results filtered with: Heredity
- Videos
From generation to generation. Part 3.
Date: 1938- Books
Political biology : science and social values in human heredity from eugenics to epigenetics / Maurizio Meloni, Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield, UK.
Meloni, Maurizio, 1971-Date: 2016- Books
- Online
Practical applications of heredity / by Paul Popenoe.
Popenoe, Paul, 1888-1979.Date: 1930- Books
- Online
Die erblichkeit : eine psychologische Untersuchung ihrer Erscheinungen, Gesetze, Ursachen und folgen / von Th. Ribot ; Deutsch von Otto Hotzen.
Ribot, Th. (Théodule), 1839-1916.Date: 1876- Books
- Online
Des causes morales et physiques des maladies mentales et de quelques autres affections nerveuses, telles que l'hystie, la nymphomanie et le satyriasis / Par F. Voisin.
Voisin, F. (Fix), 1794-1872.Date: 1826- Archives and manuscripts
Papers of Malcolm Andrew Ferguson-Smith, correspondence from 1961-1964
Date: 1959-1965Reference: UGC 188/3/2Part of: Papers of Malcolm Andrew Ferguson-Smith, geneticist, Professor of Medical Genetics, University of Glasgow, Scotland- Archives and manuscripts
Papers of Malcolm Andrew Ferguson-Smith, lectures and meetings
Date: 1959-2008Reference: UGC 188/5Part of: Papers of Malcolm Andrew Ferguson-Smith, geneticist, Professor of Medical Genetics, University of Glasgow, Scotland- Books
Beyond versus : the struggle to understand the interaction of nature and nurture / James Tabery.
Tabery, James, 1978-Date: [2014]- Books
- Online
Prophylaxis of mental disorder / by Sir Humphry Rolleston, Bart., K.C.B., M.D., Regius professor of physic in the University of Cambridge; President of the Royal College of Physicians of London.
Rolleston, Humphry Davy, Sir, 1862-1944Date: [1925?]- Books
- Online
On inheritance of mental characters : the Harveian oration for 1910 delivered before the Royal College of Physicians of London on October 18 / by H.B. Donkin.
Donkin, Horatio Bryan, Sir, 1845-1927.Date: 1910- Books
The story within : personal essays on genetics and identity / edited by Amy Boesky.
Date: [2013]- Videos
From generation to generation. Part 2.
Date: 1938- Books
- Online
Disertacion para obtener el grado de doctor en medicina de la Universidad de Buenos-Aires / por G. Rawson.
Rawson, G. (Guillermo), 1821-1890.Date: 1845- Books
- Online
The parents' guide for the transmission of desired qualities to offspring, and childbirth made easy / by Hester Pendleton.
Pendleton, Hester.Date: 1848- Books
Phrenology, or the causes of crime / by Jonathan Gibbs.
Gibbs, Jonathan.Date: 2009- Books
- Online
The descent of man and selection in relation to sex / by Charles Darwin.
Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882.Date: 1889- Books
- Online
Hereditary traits.
Date: 1878- Journals
Bibliographia eugenica.
Date: 1927-1934- Videos
Darwin's dangerous idea. Part 2, Born equal.
Date: 2009- Archives and manuscripts
Records of Dr James Harrison Renwick, University of Glasgow material
Date: 1962-1982Reference: UGC 155/2Part of: Papers of Dr James Harrison Renwick, 1926-1994, geneticist, University of Glasgow, Scotland- Books
What to do with the sub-normal child / editor: Henry Smith Williams, M.D., LL.D.
Date: [1914]- Books
- Online
The methods and scope of genetics : an inaugural lecture delivered 23 October 1908 / by W. Bateson.
Bateson, William, 1861-1926.Date: 1908- Books
Inheritance : how our genes change our lives, and our lives change our genes / Sharon Moalem, MD, PhD, with Matthew D. LaPlante.
Moalem, SharonDate: 2014- Books
Heredity of headform in man / by G. P. Frets.
Frets, G. P. (Gerrit Pieter), 1879-Date: 1921- Archives and manuscripts
Grüneberg, Professor Hans
Grüneberg, Hans, 1907-1982.Date: 1922-1982Reference: PP/GRU