774 results
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Salomon Cellarius. Line engraving by J.C. Böcklin.
Reference: 1685i- Pictures
Salomon Reisel. Line engraving, 1702.
Date: 1700-1709Reference: 8187i- Books
Salomon Neumann (1819-1908), Wegbereiter sozialmedizinischen Denkens und Handelns : Ausgewählte Texte / Karl-Heinz Karbe.
Neumann, Salomon, 1819-1908.Date: 1983- Books
- Online
Salomon. Treurspel. By J.V. Vondel
Vondel Joost van den 1587-1679Date: 1648- Archives and manuscripts
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'Salomon, Herman'
Date: 1927Reference: WA/HMM/CO/Chr/D.41Part of: Wellcome Historical Medical Museum and Library- Pictures
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Salomon Schinz. Reproduction of line engraving by J. H. Lips after A. Speisegger.
Speissegger, Alexander, 1750-1798.Reference: 8418i- Archives and manuscripts
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'Salomon, H'
Date: 1932-1933Reference: WA/HMM/CO/Chr/J.248Part of: Wellcome Historical Medical Museum and Library- Books
Salomon Reisel (1625-1701) : barocke Naturforschung eines Leibarztes im Banne der mechanistischen Philosophie / von Ralf Bröer.
Bröer, Ralf.Date: 1996- Books
Salomon de Bombelles, premier médecin du roi Louis XII / par E.-T. Hamy.
Hamy, E. T. (Ernest Théodore), 1842-1908Date: 1907- Books
Salomon's house emergent : the early Royal Society and cooperative research / Marie Boas Hall.
Hall, Marie Boas, 1919-2009Date: 1981- Pictures
- Online
Salomon de Caus incarcerated in the mental asylum of Bicêtre. Lithograph by Lafosse after J.J. Lecurieux, 1845.
Lecurieux, Jacques Joseph, 1801-1867.Date: [1845?]Reference: 658172i- Books
- Online
Salomon and Saturn / Treatise on the German and Latin versions ; French version of ditto ; also the proverbs of Aelfred, Hending, and other proverbs in Anglo-Saxon, demandes joyous, &c.
Date: [1845?]- Books
- Online
Salomon's pest-house, or tovver-royall : Newly re-edified and prepared to preserve Londoners with their families, and others, from the doubted deluge of the plague. Item, a laudable excercise [sic] for those that are departed, or shall depart out of the city into the country, to spend their time till they returne, a handfull of holy meditations usefull and requisite for Gods people, men and women, of all estates and degrees, in these doubtfull dayes, whether troubled in body or minde, and whether Gods visitation of the plague increase or decrease. / By the reverend, learned and godly divine I.D. preacher of Gods word. ; Whereunto is added Mr. Holland's admonition, and Mr. Phaer's prescription for bodily physicke. Also London looke-backe: a description or representation of the great and memorable mortality ann. 1625. in heroicke matchlesse lines.
I. DDate: 1636..- Books
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Salomonis Theophili de Meza Diatribae medicae tres.
Meza, Salomon Theophilus de, 1727-1800.Date: 1775- Books
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Salomons Ethica, Seders-Konst, Politica, Regerings-Konst, Oeconomica, Hwshåldnings-Konst framsatt aff Oloff Swenson Lemvig
Lemvig, Ole SvendsenDate: 1673- Books
- Online
Salomons Ethica, seders-konst : Politica, regerings-konst : Oeconomica, hwshåldnings-konst. framsatt aff Oloff Swenson Lemwig
AnonDate: 1673- Books
- Online
Salomons Stoel, hvor ved Rættens Kierlighed, Dommens Sandhed, Herrens Ihukommelse med Embedets Nidkierhed oc Storhed som kommer fra it Eenfoldigt Hierte beskriffvis. fremsat af Willatz Nielsen
Nielsen, Villads 1607-1681Date: 1661- Books
- Online
Salomons Høyesang, effter Ordenis naturlig Bemerckelse, korteligen forklaret udi en Samtale mellem fordum stormæctige ... Christian den Femte ... oc den salige Herris ... Encke ... Magdalena Sibilla ... aff L. M. W. [i.e.: Laur. Mortensen Widsted]
Widsted, Laurids Mortensen 1614-1674Date: 1648- Books
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Salomons Høysang Som er: Een Aandelig Brudsang, Om Jesu den Himmelske Brudgom. Alle Guds Børns største Lyst, høyeste Trøst oc ævige Glæde. Eller: Den Himmelske Troloffvelsis Høytpriselige store Hemmelighed, Som imellem Christum Jesum oc alle Guds sande Børn her i Liffve endelig begyndis; Til dets Ende med Lengsel begaais; Men siden i Paradis med et ævigt Bryllups Glæde oc u-sigelige Ære fuldkommis skal Paa Danske Rijm nogenledis Jesu den høyloffvede Herre til Ære oc Guds Børns Aandelige Forlystelse, ved samme Jesu Aands Naade oc Bistand. kortelig oc eenfoldeligen forfattet [af Jesper Baltzersen Kønechen]
Kønechen, Jesper Baltzersen 1629-1715Date: 1653- Books
- Online
Salomons pest-house, or tovvre-royall : Nevvly re-edified and prepared to preserue Londoners with their families, and others, from the doubted deluge of the plague. Item, a laudable exercise for those that are departed, or shall depart out of the city into the country, to spend their time till they returne. A handfull of holy meditations vsefull and requisite for Gods people ... By the reuerend, learned, and godly diuine I.D. preacher of Gods word. Whereunto is added Mr Hollands admonition, and Mr Phaers prescription for bodily physicke. Also, London looke-backe: a description or representation of the great and memorable mortality an. 1625. in heroicke matchlesse lines, by A.H. of Tr. Colledge in Cambridge.
I. D., preacher of Gods wordDate: 1630- Books
- Online
Salomons pest-house, or tovvre-royall : Nevvly re-edified and prepared to preserue Londoners with their families, and others, from the doubted deluge of the plague. Item, a laudable exercise for those that are departed, or shall depart out of the city into the country, to spend their time till they returne. A handfull of holy meditations vsefull and requisite for Gods people ... By the reuerend, learned, and godly diuine I.D. preacher of Gods word. Whereunto is added Mr Hollands admonition, and Mr Phaers prescription for bodily physicke. Also, London looke-backe: a description or representation of the great and memorable mortality an. 1625. in heroicke matchlesse lines, by A.H. of Tr. Colledge in Cambridge.
I. D., preacher of Gods wordDate: 1630- Books
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Salomonis de forti muliere alphabetum tribus commentarijs illustratum atque explicatum a Barthol. Valuerdio doct. theol. Hispano ..
Valverde Gandía Bartolomé, 1520-1596Date: 1589- Books
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Salomonis Bøger paa Danske, [fordansket aff Hans Siunesøn]
Sjunesen, HansDate: 1552- Books
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Salomonis Wijshed till Tiranner, fordansket aff Peder Tidemand ...
Tidemand, Peder active 1539-1564Date: 1541- Books
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Salomonis Wijshed till Tiranner, fordansket aff Peder Tidemand ...
Tidemand, Peder active 1539-1564Date: 1541