4 results filtered with: Simpson, Leonard Francis
- Books
The handbook of dining, or, Corpulency and leanness scientifically considered : comprising the art of dining on correct principles consistent with easy digestion, the avoidance of corpulency, and the cure of leanness, together with special remarks on these subjects / by Brillat-Savarin ; translated by L.F.
Brillat-Savarin, 1755-1826.Date: 1865- Books
- Online
The handbook of dining, or corpulency and leanness scientifically considered : comprising the art of dining on correct principles consistent with easy digestion, the avoidance of corpulency, and the cure of leanness; together with special remarks on these subjects / by Brillat-Savarin ; translated by L.F. Simpson.
Brillat-Savarin, Jean-Anthelme.Date: 1864- Books
- Online
The handbook of dining; or, How to dine, theoretically, philosophically and historically considered : Based chiefly upon the Physiologie du goût of Brillat-Savarin / By Leonard Francis Simpson.
Brillat-Savarin, Jean-Anthelme.Date: 1859- Books
- Online
The handbook of dining, or, How to dine, theoretically, philosophically and historically considered : based chiefly on the Physiologie du goût of Brillat-Savarin / by Leonard Francis Simpson.
Simpson, Leonard Francis.Date: 1859