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361 results
  • The quacks of old London / by C.J.S. Thompson.
  • The quacks of old London / by C.J.S. Thompson.
  • The quacks of old London / by C.J.S. Thompson.
  • The quacks of old London / by C.J.S. Thompson.
  • The quacks of old London / by C.J.S. Thompson.
  • Quacks on stage, with many figures around. Oil painting attributed to a Netherlandish painter.
  • A shield containing a group portrait of various doctors and quacks, including Mrs Mapp, Dr. Joshua Ward and John Taylor. Engraving after W. Hogarth, 1736.
  • A shield containing a group portrait of various doctors and quacks, including Mrs Mapp, Dr. Joshua Ward and John Taylor. Mezzotint after W. Hogarth, 1736.
  • A monkey, dressed in human clothing and holding up a medicinal remedy: representing quacks or itinerant medicine vendors. Lithograph by W. Nichol after J. Watteau.
  • A shield containing a group portrait of various doctors and quacks, including Mrs Mapp, Dr. Joshua Ward and John Taylor. Etching by W. Hogarth, 1736, after himself.
  • A shield containing a group portrait of various doctors and quacks, including Mrs Mapp, Dr. Joshua Ward and John Taylor. Etching by W. Hogarth, 1736, after himself.
  • A shield containing a group portrait of various doctors and quacks, including Mrs Mapp, Dr. Joshua Ward and John Taylor. Etching by W. Hogarth, 1736, after himself.
  • A shield containing a group portrait of various doctors and quacks, including Mrs Mapp, Dr. Joshua Ward and John Taylor. Etching by W. Hogarth, 1736, after himself.
  • Apologia chyrurgica. A vindication of the noble art of chyrurgery, from the gross abuses offer'd thereunto by mountebanks, quacks, barbers, pretending bone-setters, etc. ... / [Daniel Turner].
  • Medical cautions : chiefly for the consideration of invalids. Containing essays on fashionable diseases, the dangerous effects of hot and crouded rooms, an enquiry into the use of medicine during a course of mineral waters, on quacks, and quack medicine, and lady doctors. And an essay on regimen, very much enlarged ... / By James Makittrick Adair.
  • Medical cautions : chiefly for the consideration of invalids. Containing essays on fashionable diseases, the dangerous effects of hot and crouded rooms, an enquiry into the use of medicine during a course of mineral waters, on quacks, and quack medicine, and lady doctors. And an essay on regimen, very much enlarged ... / By James Makittrick Adair.
  • Medical cautions : chiefly for the consideration of invalids. Containing essays on fashionable diseases, the dangerous effects of hot and crouded rooms, an enquiry into the use of medicine during a course of mineral waters, on quacks, and quack medicine, and lady doctors. And an essay on regimen, very much enlarged ... / By James Makittrick Adair.
  • A drunken Bacchus cavorts atop the globe, accompanied by Fortune; to his right physicians and quacks fight for legitimacy; to his left the scales held by a blindfold Justice are tipped by a lawyer's money: an allegory of the world of justice and health overturned into one of chance and greed. Coloured etching by Daniël Veelwaard I after J. Smies, 1809.
  • Remarks on the impositions of quacks : so much practiced in this Kingdom. Wherein is exposed to the public themeans of distinguishing them from able physicians and surgeons. And how much it is to be wished that the laws would appoint some effectual means to suppress these vile ways of practicing, so prejudicial to his Majesty's subjects / By Vint. B-t.
  • W. Meyerlutz, The Quack's Song
  • A quack selling medicines. Oil painting.
  • Song sheet with illustration: 'The quack doctor'.
  • Text from Compositions of quack medicines, Lancet.
  • Quack displaying his wares to a crowd.
  • Text from Compositions of quack medicines, Lancet.
  • A quack doctor irresponsibly dispensing his potions. Coloured lithograph.
  • A quack doctor irresponsibly dispensing his potions. Coloured lithograph.
  • Hogarth's Marriage a la mode, The Quack Doctor's Studio
  • A quack-doctor examining a urine flask. Oil painting.
  • Patients consulting an obese quack. Aquatint by T. Rowlandson, 1807.