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6,357 results
  • Plato. Line engraving.
  • Plato. Engraving by Remondini.
  • Plato, Anaxagoras & Democritus
  • Plato. Drawing after Raphael, ca. 1793.
  • Sounion, Greece: Plato and his disciples on the promontory. Engraving, 1817.
  • Plato. Etching by D. Cunego, 1783, after R. Mengs after Raphael.
  • Plato. Line engraving by L. Vorsterman after Sir P. P. Rubens.
  • Plato discussing philosophical matters with others in the garden of the Academia. Etching by Salvator Rosa.
  • Plato discussing philosophical matters with others in the garden of the Academia. Etching by Salvator Rosa.
  • The symposium described in the Symposion of Plato: the drunken Alcibiades enters on the left. Etching by P. Testa, 1648.
  • Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, Paris: a wall of the library with two bookcases of books and busts of Plato, Socrates, Euclid and Cicero. Engraving by F. Ertinger, ca. 1688.
  • Plate VI
  • Anatomical plate.
  • Plate VII
  • Mouse hand plate
  • Motor end plate
  • Plate A. Minerals.
  • Scarpa "Aneurism", 1819: plate
  • Plate XVI, Surgical instruments
  • Plate IX. Surgical dissection
  • Anterior neural plate, mouse
  • Plate 14. Oral cavity.
  • Plate II. Diseased teeth.
  • Plate from Haeckel, Anthropogenie
  • Plate VII. Human teeth.
  • A choice of plate washers : from your choice in plate readers / Molecular Devices Ltd.
  • A choice of plate washers : from your choice in plate readers / Molecular Devices Ltd.
  • A choice of plate washers : from your choice in plate readers / Molecular Devices Ltd.
  • Plates showing two sets of conjoined infants. Plate 3a shows how their skeletons are joined
  • Analysis of beauty. Plate I.