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5,040 results
  • L'onanisme; ou dissertation physique sur les maladies produites par la masturbation / [S.A.D. Tissot] ; traduit du Latin.
  • M0001605: Photograph of two men in the bough of a cinchona tree using a pulley to collect cinchona seeds
  • The anatomy of the bones and muscles : exhibiting the parts as they appear on dissection, and more particularly in the living figure; as applicable to the fine arts. Designed for the use of artists, and memebers of the Artist's anatomical society. In two parts / By George Simpson. Illustrated with highly-finished lithographic impressions.
  • Die Karikatur und Satire in der Medizin : mediko-kunsthistorisches Studie / von Eugen Holländer.
  • The herball or, generall historie of plantes / Gathered by John Gerarde ... Very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson.
  • A treatise on the formation, constituents, and extraction of the urinary calculus. Being the essay for which the Jacksonian prize for the year 1833 was awarded by the Royal College of Surgeons in London / by John Green Crosse.
  • Essays on the anatomy and philosophy of expression / By Charles Bell.
  • Gvilielmi Gilberti Colcestrensis, medici londinensis, De magnete, magneticisqve corporibvs, et de magno magnete tellure; physiologia noua plurimis et argumentis, et experimentis demonstrata / [William Gilbert].
  • The sick man's companion; or, useful director for unhealthy persons. Being an account of several innocent and valuable medicines / [John Hill].
  • The scourge of Venus and Mercury, represented in a treatise of the venereal disease ... / By J. Sintelaer.
  • Anatomie des parties de la génération de l'homme et de la femme ... jointe a l'angéologie de tout le corps humain, e a ce qui concerne la grossesse et les accouchemens / [Jacques Fabien Gautier d'Agoty].
  • Daimonomageia. A small treatise of sicknesses and diseases from witchcraft, and supernatural causes. Never before, at least in this comprised order, and general manner, was the like published : being useful to others besides physicians, in that it confutes atheistical, sadducistical, and sceptical principles and imaginations / [Anon].
  • De la lithotritie, ou broiement de la pierre dans la vessie / [Civiale (Jean)].
  • Thesaurus anatomicus primus [-decimus] ... Het eerste [-tiende] anatomisch cabinet / [Frederik Ruysch].
  • Opuscula sua anatomica, de respiratione, de monstris aliaque minora / recensuit, emendavid auxit aliaque inedita novasque icones addidit Albertus v. Haller.
  • A manual of domestic economy : suited to families spending from £100 to £1000 a year. Including directions for the management of the nursery and sick room, and the preparation and administrations of domestic remedies / by J.H. Walsh... assisted in various departments by a committee of ladies.
  • Civilization and climate / by Ellsworth Huntington.
  • Havelock Ellis : a biographical and critical survey / by Isaac Goldberg; with a supplementary chapter on Edith Ellis; illustrated & documented.
  • Catalogue / [National Museum of Antiquities].
  • The animal kingdom arranged after its organization. Forming a natural history of animals, and an introduction to comparative anatomy / By the late Baron Georges Cuvier, Tr. and adapted to the present state of science. The Mammalia, birds, and reptiles, by Edward Blyth, the fishes and Radiata, by Robert Mudie, the molluscous animals by George Johnston, M.D., the articulated animals, by J. O. Westwood, F.L.S.
  • Elements of agricultural chemistry, in a course of lectures for the Board of Agriculture / By Sir Humphry Davy.
  • The Kings medicines for the plague. Prescribed in the year, 1604 / by the whole Collodge [sic] of Physitians, both spiritual and temporal. Generally made use of, and approved in the years, 1625, and 1636. And now most fitting for this dangerous time of infection, to be used all England over.
  • Griffith's new historical description of Cheltenham and its vicinity / Embellished with nearly 100 ... engravings from drawings by the first masters, maps of the town & county ... and a plan of Pittville.
  • M0006975: Illustration of a Myroxylon Peruiferum leaf
  • Histoire naturelle, générale et particuliére, avec la description du cabinet du roi / [Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon].
  • Travels in the interior districts of Africa: performed under the direction and patronage of the African Association, in the years 1795, 1796, and 1797 ... / by Mungo Park ; With an appendix, containing geographical illustrations of Africa. By Major Rennell.
  • Armamentarium chirurgicum, oder möglichst vollständige Sammlung von abbildungen und Beschreibung chirurgischer Instrumente älterer und neuerer Leit / [Albert Wilhelm Hermann Seerig].
  • Dissertatio inauguralis, de aere dephlogisticato ... / / Eruditorum examini subjicit Jonathan Stokes.
  • [Encyclopédie, ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers] / par une sociéte de gens de lettres. Recueil de planches sur les sciences, les arts libéraux et les arts méchaniques, avec leur explication. [Anon].
  • Mikrokosmographia. A description of the body of man. Together with the controversies thereto belonging / Collected and translated out of the best authors of anatomy, especially out of Gasper Bauhinus and Andreas Laurentius.