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6 results
  • A crowned skeleton with three arrows. Etching, 1806.
  • The balloon 'Saladin' is blown off course out to sea from Bridport. Coloured wood engraving by W. Wyllie after Captain Templer.
  • Captain Temple and Walter Powell M.P. in the basket of the balloon 'Saladin', 1881. Coloured wood engraving.
  • British and East African sailors rescue slaves from a dhow and allot the women slaves as wives. Wood engraving after J. Nash, 1893.
  • Minerva visiting Envy in order to punish Aglauros. Etching by J.W. Baur, 16--.
  • A lady holding a fan in her right hand: an animal jumps out of her wig and bites the barber on the nose, forcing him to wear a black patch. Woodcut and letterpress.