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189 results
  • Waste disposal practices in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Health, ca. 2000.
  • Djibouti: waste disposal and its effects on health. Colour lithograph, ca. 2000.
  • Join the crusade against bread waste : the bread code ... / Ministry of Food.
  • Join the crusade against bread waste : the bread code ... / Ministry of Food.
  • Heogenin, derived from East African sisal waste, is utilised as the starting material for the process of synthesising Glaxo cortisone.
  • Heogenin, derived from East African sisal waste, is utilised as the starting material for the process of synthesising Glaxo cortisone.
  • Illustrated guide to segregating waste to prevent transmission of disease in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Health and JSI, ca. 2000.
  • Atoquinol (allyl phenylcinchoninester) : the most active eliminant of irritant or toxic acid waste without harmful action on digestive or other systems.
  • Two figures lie on a skip full of waste: warning about drug abuse in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Preventive Health Education Against Drug Abuse Programme, ca. 2000.
  • Food is a munition of war : don't waste it : National wheatmeal bread, better for you and the same price as white bread / Ministry of Food.
  • Food is a munition of war : don't waste it : National wheatmeal bread, better for you and the same price as white bread / Ministry of Food.
  • Textiles: a belt-driven version of Crompton's mule inside an iron-framed spinning shed, workers setting machines and clearing cotton waste, etc. Engraving by J. W. Lowry, 1834, after T. Allom.
  • Don't waste your time or money on ROT! : Here's what I'm ready to do: I'll prove in just 7 days YOU can have a body like mine / Charles Atlas.
  • Don't waste your time or money on ROT! : Here's what I'm ready to do: I'll prove in just 7 days YOU can have a body like mine / Charles Atlas.
  • Don't waste your time or money on ROT! : Here's what I'm ready to do: I'll prove in just 7 days YOU can have a body like mine / Charles Atlas.
  • An HIV positive woman in a vest beside figures cut out of meat, and bearing the warning 'Sondermüll-Mensch' (human hazardous waste); advertising an exhibition about the Upper Austrian AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph by Mares Andreas, 1995.
  • An HIV positive family man holding two children beside figures cut out of meat, bearing the warning 'Sondermüll-Mensch' (human hazardous waste); advertising an exhibition about the Upper Austrian AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph by Mares Andreas, 1995.
  • An HIV positive man with a large label across his arm bearing the warning 'Sondermüll-Mensch' (human hazardous waste), with figures cut out of meat; advertising an exhibition about the Upper Austrian AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph by Mares Andreas, 1995.
  • The sanitary demonstration area, with an army truck and soldiers, on a First World War (?) army camp, Abassia, Cairo, Egypt: marked out on the ground is a model of the reticulation system of trenches for waste disposal. Photograph, 1914/1918 (?).
  • An HIV positive woman holding one hand up to her neck as she looks away beside figures cut out of meat; bearing the warning 'Sondermüll-Mensch' (human hazardous waste); advertising an exhibition about the Upper Austrian AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph by Mares Andreas, 1995.
  • An HIV positive man in a suit and tie within a shaft of light beside figures cut out of meat; with a large label across his arm bearing the warning 'Sondermüll-Mensch' (human hazardous waste); advertising an exhibition about the Upper Austrian AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph by Mares Andreas.
  • An HIV positive man in make-up and a metallic jacket with a raised collar, with a large label across his arm bearing the warning 'Sondermüll-Mensch' (human hazardous waste), with figures cut out of meat; advertising exhibition about the Upper Austrian AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph by Mares Andreas.
  • Bread into battle : a wasted crust can mean a wasted convoy.
  • Bread into battle : a wasted crust can mean a wasted convoy.
  • Bread into battle : a wasted crust can mean a wasted convoy.
  • Bread into battle : a wasted crust can mean a wasted convoy.
  • Man with 'wasting palsy'
  • Kidneys showing bilateral atrophy (tissue wasting)
  • Amyotrophic paralysis and wasting of the muscles of the hands
  • Amyotrophic paralysis and wasting of the muscles of the left hand