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207 results
  • Fracture dislocation, dorsal vertebra
  • Fracture dislocation, dorsal vertebra
  • Caudal vertebra No. 17-21 of Diplodocus Longus
  • Unusually large cervical ribs on the seventh cervical vertebra
  • Diseased vertebra of Smilodon from the Pleistocene deposits of California
  • Single human T8 vertebra from infant at term, micro-CT
  • Dorsal vertebra of platecarpus, a cretaceous. Mosasaur from the Niobrara Chalk of Kansas etc.
  • Softening of the spinal cord as the result of a fracture of the cervical vertebra
  • Softening of the spinal cord as the result of a fracture of the cervical vertebra
  • Skeleton of a megatherium, with details showing a vertebra, and sections of the teeth. Line engraving, 1830/1870?.
  • Horizontal dissection of the diaphragm, at the level of the 10th dorsal vertebra. Lithograph by N.H Jacob, 1831/1854.
  • Dissection of the trunk: back view, showing the bones and muscles, with a detail of a vertebra. Ink and watercolour with laminated flaps, 18--.
  • T. Bartholin, vertebras aliquot os sacrum.
  • Five drawings of fractured lumbar vertebrae
  • Scapulae and vertebrae. Pencil drawing, 1804/1815(?).
  • Vertebrae: six figures. Watercolour, 19th century(?).
  • Vertebrae from a skeleton showing spondylitis deformans
  • Lumbar vertebrae infiltrated with a malignant growth
  • Three lumbar vertebrae, one of which is fractured
  • Three lumbar vertebrae, one of which is fractured
  • Reducing dislocated vertebrae in the Moslem Middle Ages.
  • White induration of the substance of two vertebrae
  • Vertebrae: four figures. Watercolour by J. Mongrédien, ca. 1880.
  • Bone development in human infant L1 vertebrae, micro-CT.
  • Cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. Engraving after G. de Lairesse, 1739.
  • Necklet of the vertebrae of an adder hung with 3 medallions.
  • Vertebrae: three figures. Ink and watercolour, 1830/1835?, after W. Cheselden, ca. 1733.
  • Vertebrae: eleven figures. Ink and watercolour, 1830/1835?, after W. Cheselden, ca. 1733.
  • Vertebrae: thirteen figures. Line engraving by A. Bell after J.J. Sue, 1798.
  • Vertebrae: thirteen figures. Line engraving by A. Bell after J.J. Sue, 1798.