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  • Venezuela Gulf Hospital formulary.
  • Providencia Island, Venezuela: houses for leprosy sufferers. Photograph, 1890/1910.
  • The Leper Settlement, Providencia Island, Venezuela: the wards (right) and the chapel (left). Photograph, 1890/1910.
  • A ribbed condom against a black background representing a safe-sex and AIDS prevention advertisement by the Departemento de Enfermedades de Transmision Sexual, Venezuela. Colour lithograph, ca.
  • Two women hold up another woman between them, a dove, a personified sun and a flower with facts about AIDS and HIV in Venezuela; an AIDS prevention advertisement. Colour lithograph by Marco Caamaño, 1993.
  • Children tending a garden and illustrating a wall with the words 'un compromiso con la vida' within a school in Venezuela to promote AIDS prevention day on 23rd May (1995). Colour lithograph by Angeles, 1995.
  • The coloured silhouettes of a girl holding a kite bearing the flag of Venezuela, a man and woman, a dog and a dove representing an AIDS prevention advertisement for families. Colour lithograph by Marco Caamaño, ca. 1995.
  • A man points to a poster bearing AIDS prevention messages in a village in Venezuela with a church at the centre; an AIDS prevention advertisement supported by OPL-SIDA and the Office of Panamerican Health. Colour lithograph by Felix Rodriguez, 1992.
  • Vacunese contra la fiebre amarilla selvatica.
  • Vacunese contra la fiebre amarilla selvatica.
  • Two children, one on roller-skates, look up at a red heart above a green tree trunk with a butterfly and a bird; an advertisement for National School AIDS Prevention day on 23rd May by OPL-Sida. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • A couple holding umbrellas with 3 children before them against a floral background; an AIDS prevention advertisement by OPL-Sida. Colour lithograph by Luis J. Querecuto, ca. 1995.
  • Children playing ball, a girl riding a go-cart, a young couple rub noses and a long-haired youth moulding a pot; an AIDS prevention advertisement by the Oficina para la Prevención y Lucha contra el Sida and oficina Panamericana de la Salud. Colour lithograph by Marco Caamaño, ca. 1995.
  • A naked woman with extending yellow hair with a baby in her womb illustrated with white stars and a flower; a warning to women to protect their babies from AIDS by the Oficina Para la Prevencion y Lucha Contra el Sida and Organization Panaermicana de la Salud. Colour lithograph by Marco Caamaño, 1994.
  • A personified condom with 6 diagrams illustrating how to practice safe sex; an AIDS prevention advertisement by OPL Sida, Oficina para el desarollo del Programa de la Lucha contra el SIDA. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • Mérida city, Colombia. Coloured etching by C. Empson, 1836.
  • Historia natural, civil y geográfica de las naciones situadas en las riveras del Rio Orinoco / Su autor el padre Joseph Gumilla.
  • Honda, Colombia: a wooden bridge over the river Gualí. Coloured etching by C. Empson, 1836.
  • A red apple forming the the tip of a penis with a quote from Albert Camus: 'La felicidad es generosa ... no vive de destrucción' [Happiness is ... generous destruction of lives] and the letters 'SIDA' in each corner; one of a series of anti-AIDS posters produced by Artis entitled 'Imágenes contra el SIDA' [Images against AIDS]. Colour lithograph by Santiago Pol, 1994.
  • A red apple forming the tip of a penis with a quote from Albert Camus: 'La felicidad es generosa ... no vive de destrucción' [Happiness is ... generous destruction of lives] and the letters 'SIDA' in each corner; advertising the danger of AIDS. Colour lithograph by Santiago Pol, 1994.