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63 results
  • A barefoot Basque fisherman posing with several medals on his tunic.
  • Chinese kilin and phoenix rank badges, and a black tunic showing a rank badge. Gouache painting.
  • A Chinese tunic and types of head-dress, with various coloured tops to signify rank. Gouache painting.
  • A man, in a satin tunic and fur hat, dancing a "Cossack" measure in a studio setting.
  • Two Indian men, one carrying a brazier, the other in a red tunic. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • Items of uniform of British army medical staff with the jackets, tunic sleeves and collars of different ranking officers. Lithograph, c. 1880.
  • Tunics
  • T. Bartholin, testium tunica, substantia and
  • Chinese tunics and paraphernalia. Gouache painting.
  • Chinese tunics and head-dresses. Gouache painting.
  • Two Chinese tunics and matching scarves embroidered with dragons and clouds. Gouache painting.
  • Septemdecim tabulae quas nunc primum edit atque explicat iisque alias addit De structura mammarum et De tunica testis vaginali Michael Girardi / [Giovanni Domenico Santorini].
  • Septemdecim tabulae quas nunc primum edit atque explicat iisque alias addit De structura mammarum et De tunica testis vaginali Michael Girardi / [Giovanni Domenico Santorini].
  • Above, two bees, two marmots, a tropical palm, a heron and a crane; below, two spiders, a treelike plant, two fish and a tunicate animal of the class Ascidiacea. Engraving by Heath.
  • Young white female health professional in uniform.
  • Young white female health professional in uniform.
  • Young white female health professional in uniform.
  • Young white female health professional in uniform.
  • Young white female health professional in uniform.
  • Young white female health professional in uniform.
  • Young female health professional in uniform
  • Young white female health professional in uniform.
  • Young white female health professional in uniform.
  • Young white female health professional in uniform with laptop
  • Young white female health professional in uniform with laptop
  • Two young white female health professionals in uniform
  • Young white female health professional in uniform with mobile
  • Saint Roch. Tempera painting by an Italian painter.
  • Saint Roch. Tempera painting by an Italian painter.
  • The death of Prince von Bismark (?), with his family gathered around him. Lithograph (?) 1898.