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2,631 results
  • The Holy Bible : containing the Old Testament and the New, newly translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Majesties special command.
  • Translation into Aztec language
  • Translation into the Aztec language
  • The Kanjur in Manchu translation
  • Japanese MS 32, Kaitai Shinso translation
  • HIV translation, HIV viral life cycle, illustration
  • Recherches . ., translation of E. Jenner 1800.
  • McAll's translation of A TextBook of Pathology
  • Hippocrates. Vol. IV / with an English translation by W.H.S. Jones.
  • Egyptian wooden pillow with inscription on base; translation; The Chief Doctor of the King, the faithful vassal of Ptah, Khnemarkh
  • Homer; Thomas Hobbes; and warriors from Greece and Troy; representing Hobbes's translation of the works of Homer. Line engraving, 1677.
  • Atlas and epitome of operative surgery / by Otto Zuckerkandl ; authorized translation from the German ; edited by J. Chalmers Da Costa.
  • Atlas and epitome of operative surgery / by Otto Zuckerkandl ; authorized translation from the German ; edited by J. Chalmers Da Costa.
  • Atlas and epitome of operative surgery / by Otto Zuckerkandl ; authorized translation from the German ; edited by J. Chalmers Da Costa.
  • Three contributions to the sexual theory / by Prof. Sigmund Freud.Authorized translation by A. A. Brill, with introduction by James J. Putnam.
  • The Hammurabi code and the Sinaitic legislation / with a complete translation of the great Babylonian inscription discovered at Susa, by Chilperic Edwards.
  • Translation of selected passages from De l'auscultation médiate (first edition) / by R. Théophile H. Laennec ; with a biography by William Hale-White.
  • Translation of selected passages from De l'auscultation médiate (first edition) / by R. Théophile H. Laennec ; with a biography by William Hale-White.
  • Translation of selected passages from De l'auscultation médiate (first edition) / by R. Théophile H. Laennec ; with a biography by William Hale-White.
  • Histology / by S. Ramón-Cajal ; revised by J.F. Tello-Múñoz ; authorized translation from the tenth Spanish edition by M. Fernán-Núñez.
  • Atlas of legal medicine / von E. von Hofmann ; authorized translation from the German, edited by Frederick Peterson, assisted by Aloysius O.J. Kelly.
  • Atlas of legal medicine / von E. von Hofmann ; authorized translation from the German, edited by Frederick Peterson, assisted by Aloysius O.J. Kelly.
  • The foot and its covering : comprising [i.e. incorporating] a full translation of Dr. Camper's work on "The best form of shoe" / by James Dowie.
  • Essays on physiognomy; for the promotion of the knowledge and the love of mankind / Written in the German language by J.C. Lavater. Abridged from Mr. Holcroft's translation.
  • Psychopathia sexualis : with especial reference to antipathic sexual instinct a medico-forensic study / by R. v. Krafft-Ebing ... The only authorised English translation of the tenth German edition.
  • Pensando en hacerte una prueba de VIH? / text: Camden & Islington Gay Men's Team (part of Camden PCT) ; illustrations: Mark Blann ; translation: Carlos Eduardo Corredor-G ; Naz Project London.
  • Pensando en hacerte una prueba de VIH? / text: Camden & Islington Gay Men's Team (part of Camden PCT) ; illustrations: Mark Blann ; translation: Carlos Eduardo Corredor-G ; Naz Project London.
  • Introductory lectures on psycho-analysis : a course of twenty eight lectures delivered at the University of Vienna / by Sigmund Freud ; authorized English translation by Joan Riviere ; with preface by Ernest Jones.
  • E se o teste der positivo? ; (What if I'm positive?) / text: Camden & Islington Gay Men's Team (part of Camden PCT) ; illustrations: Mark Blann ; translation: José Henrique Resinente ; Naz Project London.
  • E se o teste der positivo? ; (What if I'm positive?) / text: Camden & Islington Gay Men's Team (part of Camden PCT) ; illustrations: Mark Blann ; translation: José Henrique Resinente ; Naz Project London.