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181 results
  • Agriculture: a device for estimating the bulk of standing timber. Engraving, 1768.
  • Two men sawing a baulk of timber in a woodyard, in Korea.
  • Building: iron supports for rotten timber. Engraving by W. Kelsall after A. Ainger.
  • A timber bending machine (below), various pincers, vices, and bits [?] (above). Engraving by J. Rapkin.
  • Building: timber and brick roofing details. Etching by [W. A. B.] 1850, after S. H. Brooks.
  • Woodmen driving an ox-cart carrying baulks of timber. Etching by F. Bracquemond after A. DuBuisson.
  • A multiple-way joint of timber and iron for barrack building. Engraving by G. Aikman after W. Ferrier.
  • A timber-framed house with exterior carved wooden panels, France (?). Photograph by the Bisson Frères, ca. 1860.
  • Men loading timber on to wagons, and horses pulling the wagons. Etching with aquatint by W.H. Pyne, 1804.
  • The ruins of the priory of St. Mary Overie, Southwark: a stone wall and timber framework. Coloured engraving, 1791.
  • Building: section through a theatre, half cutaway, showing timber roofing and interior fittings. Etching by H. Adlard, 1849, after S. H. Brooks.
  • An itinerant salesman selling reproductions of antique and modern sculptures from a timber board he balances on his head. Etching by J.T. Smith, 1815.
  • Barber's Barn, Hackney, a timber-framed building with decorative plasterwork, two ladies walking in the garden, a gardener at work. Engraving by Lacy, 1811, after T. Fisher.
  • A metal and timber box (chest, trunk), once the property of E N Fallaize, used to house his photographic collection. Construction and assembly by H. Davies and sons, 1916.
  • A metal and timber box (chest, trunk), once the property of E N Fallaize, used to house his photographic collection. Construction and assembly by H. Davies and sons, 1916.
  • A metal and timber box (chest, trunk), once the property of E N Fallaize, used to house his photographic collection. Construction and assembly by H. Davies and sons, 1916.
  • A metal and timber box (chest, trunk), once the property of E N Fallaize, used to house his photographic collection. Construction and assembly by H. Davies and sons, 1916.
  • A metal and timber box (chest, trunk), once the property of E N Fallaize, used to house his photographic collection. Construction and assembly by H. Davies and sons, 1916.
  • A metal and timber box (chest, trunk), once the property of E N Fallaize, used to house his photographic collection. Construction and assembly by H. Davies and sons, 1916.
  • The gardeners dictionary. Containing the best and newest methods of cultivating and improving the kitchen, fruit, flower garden, and nursery, as also for performing the practical parts of agriculture ... together with directions for propagating and improving from real practice and experience, all sorts of timber trees / by Philip Miller.
  • The gardeners dictionary. Containing the best and newest methods of cultivating and improving the kitchen, fruit, flower garden, and nursery, as also for performing the practical parts of agriculture ... together with directions for propagating and improving from real practice and experience, all sorts of timber trees / by Philip Miller.
  • The construction of timber, from its early growth; explained by the microscope, and proved from experiments, in a great variety of kinds: in five books. On the parts of trees; their vessels; and their encrease by growth: and on the different disposition of those parts in various kinds; and the particularities in their vessels. With figures of their various appearances; of the instrument for cutting them; and of the microscope thro' which they were viewed / [John Hill].
  • The construction of timber, from its early growth; explained by the microscope, and proved from experiments, in a great variety of kinds: in five books. On the parts of trees; their vessels; and their encrease by growth: and on the different disposition of those parts in various kinds; and the particularities in their vessels. With figures of their various appearances; of the instrument for cutting them; and of the microscope thro' which they were viewed / [John Hill].
  • Eucryphia glutinosa (Poepp. & Endlich.) Baill. Eucryphiaceae. Santo sour cherry. Woodland tree. Distribution: Ancient genus from Gondwanaland. Native of Chile, other species being found in eastern coastal Australia. It is now rare in its habitat, since it was much used as a timber tree. Australian aboriginals have used leatherwood (Eucryphia lucida) as an antiseptic and styptic. A recent investigation by the Australian Government Rural Industries and Development Corporation (B R D’Arcy, 2005) finds that leatherwood honey is rich in phenolic acids that possess some antibacterial and anti-oxidant activity. These natural products have been proposed as preservers of freshness in foodstuffs - a possible alternative to the synthetics currently used.
  • Sylva, or a discourse of forest-trees, and the propagation of timber in His Majesty's dominions. As it was deliver'd in the Royal society the XVth of October, MDCLXII ... Together with an historical account of the sacredness and use of standing groves, Terra, a philosophical essay of earth ... To which is annexed Pomona: or, an appendix concerning fruit-trees in relation to cider ... Also Acetaria: or, a discourse of sallets. With Kalendarivm hortense. Or, The gard'ners almanack ... / [John Evelyn].
  • Sylva, or a discourse of forest-trees, and the propagation of timber in His Majesty's dominions. As it was deliver'd in the Royal society the XVth of October, MDCLXII ... Together with an historical account of the sacredness and use of standing groves, Terra, a philosophical essay of earth ... To which is annexed Pomona: or, an appendix concerning fruit-trees in relation to cider ... Also Acetaria: or, a discourse of sallets. With Kalendarivm hortense. Or, The gard'ners almanack ... / [John Evelyn].
  • Ship-building: various types of ship, and timbers of a hull. Engraving by J. Taylor.
  • Charterhouse Hospital, London: half-timbered houses. Engraving by J. Greig after himself, 1816.
  • St Katharine's Hospital: some half-timbered houses with two figures. Wood engraving by W. H. P.
  • St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London: the receiving room with half-timbered houses to the right and fruit and vegetable vendors setting up stalls in the foreground. Coloured lithograph.