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11 results
  • John Boby, a black man with white markings. Reproduction of an etching, 1803.
  • Johann Kleyser, a man born without arms. Aquatint.
  • "Blind Granny" holding a tankard of beer. Stipple engraving.
  • Johann Worrenburg, a dwarf. Aquatint.
  • A man with two heads and two trunks, 1716. Aquatint.
  • Lazzaro and Giovanni Battista Colloredo, a man with an incomplete human body attached to his chest. Line engraving.
  • Chang Yu-sing the Chinese giant, with his wife, King-Foo and Chung Mow, a dwarf. Wood engraving, 1865.
  • Henry Blacker, a giant. Line engraving.
  • Matthias Buchinger, a phocomelic man. Engraving after M. Buchinger, 1724.
  • Hearts, some filled with red representing an appeal for blood donors by the Ministerio de Salud and Organizacion Panamericana de la Salud. Colour lithograph by Milagros Carrillo, ca. 1995.
  • The word SIDA in bold colours with the message 'prevention is in your hands' representing an advertisement for an AIDS helpline by the Région de Murcia Consejería de Sanidad. Colour lithograph by Erudio, 1991.