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  • Boston, Massachusetts: John Malcolm, a customs official, is lowered by ropes from his house on to a cart and tarred and feathered by a crowd protesting against taxation. Engraving by F. Godefroy, 1784.
  • The Prince Regent presenting to political ministers the expected baby of Princess Charlotte and Prince Leopold, who urinates in their faces; representing the burden of taxation required by the Royal family. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1816.
  • Determined by the judges : the appellant therefore contended that his van was exempted from the duty as assessed.
  • Determined by the judges : the appellant therefore contended that his van was exempted from the duty as assessed.
  • A rich man and a workman arguing about the budget introduced by the Liberal Government in the United Kingdom. Colour lithograph after F.C. Gould, ca. 1909.
  • The Dutch maid (De Nederlandse Maagd), personifying the Netherlands asks an apothecary whether a medicine might not be poisonous; symbolising doubts over a new Dutch tax law; he replies no, a babe-in-arms could take it. Process print after J. Braakensiek, 1890.
  • Advertisement : this is the reason why "it must be Bovril".
  • Advertisement : this is the reason why "it must be Bovril".
  • Assessed taxes:-cases : No. 2355.-County of Somerset, District of Bristol City.
  • A rich man and a workman arguing about the budget introduced by the Liberal Government in the United Kingdom. Colour lithograph after F.C. Gould, ca. 1909.
  • Assessed taxes:-cases : No. 2355.-County of Somerset, District of Bristol City.
  • Christ calls Matthew to be among his apostles. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, 1830, after L. Carracci.
  • Jesus calls Matthew from among the businessmen of Capernaum. Engraving by F. Rosaspina after L. Carracci.
  • United States Internal Revenue stamp for special tax : received from ... the sum of ... dollars for special tax on the business of retail liquor dealer to be carried on at ... : May 1873 ... April 1874.
  • United States Internal Revenue stamp for special tax : received from ... the sum of ... dollars for special tax on the business of retail liquor dealer to be carried on at ... : May 1873 ... April 1874.
  • A Frenchman in a tobacconist's declares he will take snuff to defy the increasing tax on tobacco. Coloured lithograph after H. Demare, c. 1870.
  • A Frenchman in a tobacconist's declares he will take snuff to defy the increasing tax on tobacco. Coloured lithograph after H. Demare, c. 1870.
  • A.J. Balfour as Prime Minister asks John Bull to pay for increasingly costly policies, but eventually John Bull refuses. Drawing by David Wilson, 1905.
  • A triumphant American slave woman representing quassia (ingredient in acoholic drinks) is carried aloft by two brewers; representing the outcry against a tax on private brewing (?). Etching by J. Gillray, 1806.
  • A pharmacist and his friend discuss the new tax on medicine; with four other scenes. Photomechanical reproduction of a wood engraving by H. Maigrot.
  • The tax on medicine represented as a tax on illness and, ultimately, even on the 'abnormality' of healthiness: ten vignettes. Photomechanical reproduction of a wood engraving by H. Maigrot, 1907.
  • Jesus calls Matthew from among the tax officials. Woodcut, 16th century.
  • Four men sit round a tax collector and blow smoke in his face. Coloured aquatint,by J.C. Ziegler, 1799, after R. Newton.
  • Jesus calls Matthew away from his vocation as a tax collector. Coloured lithograph by F. Hanfstaengl after S. Wiedenbauer after G.A. Pordenone.
  • A half naked woman held by two men, one of whom is peering up her skirt, while another forcibly pours the contents of a teapot down her throat which she spits back into his face: representing America being punished by British politicians with the Boston Port Bill. Engraving, 1774.
  • Henry Addington as a medical practitioner bleeding the exhausted John Bull, assisted by other politicians; representing Britain's strength being sapped by nepotism in politics and by war with Napoleon. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1803.
  • At two inns on the outskirts of a village, vigorous political campaigning, comprising fighting and bribery takes place; a countryman is offered money and cards of invitation by two rival representatives of the Tory and Whig inns. Engraving by Charles Grignion after William Hogarth, 1757.