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271 results
  • Molecular model of alpha-haemolysin, ribbon
  • Molecular model of renin inhibitor
  • Chirality of amino acids/cis-trans
  • Molecular model of bacteriorhodopsin, ribbon
  • G protein/Ras-RasGAP complex, mol. model
  • Molecular model of porin, stereo,ribbon diag
  • Trimeric G protein, complex with RGS4, model
  • Protein tyrosine phosphatase, inhibition
  • Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1,catal. domain
  • Molecular model of alpha-haemolysin, ribbon
  • Models of protins with unconventional cores
  • Tumour Necrosis Factor - cytokine
  • AIDS reverse transcriptase, mol. model
  • Growth hormone receptor, molecular model
  • Supradomain organization of insulin receptor
  • Growth hormone receptor, molecular model
  • Phosphotyrosyl phosphatase + bound analogue
  • Molecular model of insulin molecule
  • Protein tyrosine phosphatase, inhibition
  • Mol.model of growth hormone receptor
  • Surface potential of calmodulin - ligand
  • Human Vh-1 related dual spec.phosphatase Vhr
  • Stereo view of cyclin-dependent kinases.
  • Fab fragments complexed with lysozyme
  • Retinol-binding protein + retinol, mol.model
  • Molecular model of insulin molecule
  • Immunoglob.Fc (IGGI) complexed w. protein G
  • Cyclin-dependent kinases.
  • Histidine phosphocarrier protein, mol. model
  • Molecular model of alpha-haemolysin, ribbon