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46 results
  • A wounded leg with a quilled suture. Stipple engraving by J. Bell.
  • Skull, seen from above: Hole in sagittal suture. Pencil and chalk drawing by C. Landseer(?), or a contemporary, ca. 1815.
  • Human skulls showing sutures: five figures. Line engraving, 1780/1800?.
  • Left, anal fistulas and instruments for their treatment; right, instruments to perform sutures on tendons. Engraving with etching.
  • Plate VI. Various instruments and techniques used in surgery. Illustration of seton, moxa, acupuntcture needles, sutures, and cauteries.
  • Surgery, surgical instruments, including bullet forceps and different techniques for sutures. Engraving with etching by B.L. Prevost after L.-J. Goussier.
  • Skulls and skull fragments, showing different shapes of skulls and variations in sutures, after Eustachius. Etching by I. Basire, 1743, after an engraving, c. 1552.
  • Dog castration, suturing
  • Dog castration, suturing up
  • Plate LXXI. Suturing technique performed on the perineum.
  • Plate 54 ter, Suturing techniques used on the intestines.
  • Plate LVII. Suturing techniques practised on the small intestines.
  • Cosmetic surgery in progress: a woman's pubes, showing a sutured incision in the mons pubis. Photograph by Félix Méheux, 1903/1905.
  • Cosmetic surgery in progress: a woman's pubes, showing metal surgical implements suturing an incision in the mons pubis. Photograph by Félix Méheux, 1903/1905.
  • Caesarean section, Uganda: the patient being prepared for the operation; the sutured wound; the knife used. Ink drawing by S.W. Kelly, 1938, after R.W. Felkin, ca. 1884.
  • Nepal; Kunde hospital in the Khumbu, 1986. This is the only hospital in the Khumbu region. A 'Visitors Note' at the gate reads: 'Interested visitors may be shown the hospital between 8 am - 5 pm depending on the availability of staff. For this service a donation is appreciated. The hospital depends on donations.' In 1986, the hospital was remarkably well equipped considering its isolation. There were facilities for minor, and in an emergency, major surgery and dentistry, local and general anaesthesia, and an X-ray machine running off its own generator. Some diagnostic facilities were carried out, and the walls of the main clinic were lined with shelves packed with a good supply of drugs, bandages and sutures.
  • Plate 3, Illustration of a seton stitch.
  • A gloved hand making surgical stitches. Coloured pencil drawing, 19--.
  • Four diagrams illustrating heads with severe wounds, demonstrating how to stitch the skin back together properly. Stipple engraving by J. Bell.
  • Surgical stitches and the tying-up of wounds. Coloured pencil drawing.
  • Surgical stitches and knots. Coloured pencil drawing.
  • A woman and a girl having an ear and a nose pierced, a boy receiving stitches on his arm and a man having his hair cut, another a shave; a warning about the dangers of using unsterilized equipment and contracting the HIV virus by Spitnacs, Societal Projects Information Training Networking and Consultancy Services. Colour lithograph, ca 1997.
  • Down's syndrome: seen in two views of a man's head. Two photographs.
  • Sewing up of an eye cavity in a cadaver after removal of the eye for training of surgeons. Watercolour by Julia Midgley, 2013.
  • Sewing up of an eye cavity in a cadaver after removal of the eye for training of surgeons. Watercolour by Julia Midgley, 2013.
  • Pre-perineal rupture repair - on dog
  • Perineal rupture repair - operation on dog
  • Various surgical instruments
  • Perineal rupture repair - operation on dog
  • Perineal rupture repair - operation on dog