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22 results
  • T'en parles à ton médecin? : sexualité, performance, VIH & IST, devenir parent, estime de soi, homophobie, dépression, dépendances, plaisir, santé anale, gynéco, coming-out, rapports forcés, anxiété, solitude, apparence / The Warning, VIH et santé gaie.
  • T'en parles à ton médecin? : sexualité, performance, VIH & IST, devenir parent, estime de soi, homophobie, dépression, dépendances, plaisir, santé anale, gynéco, coming-out, rapports forcés, anxiété, solitude, apparence / The Warning, VIH et santé gaie.
  • Besoin de sexe quand ça ne va pas? : dans ces moments-là, multiplier les rencontres en zappant la capote ne résout rien... : déprime, solitude: le préservatif te protège aussi quand tu es plus vulnérable / SNEG association.
  • Besoin de sexe quand ça ne va pas? : dans ces moments-là, multiplier les rencontres en zappant la capote ne résout rien... : déprime, solitude: le préservatif te protège aussi quand tu es plus vulnérable / SNEG association.
  • A man sits in solitude on the ledge of an open window with his head leaning on his arm with a clock to the right and the word 'SIDA' below; an advertisement about AIDS discrimination by the Comissão Nacional de Luta Contra a SIDA. Colour lithograph by Publicis Ciesa, ca. 1996.
  • In a world full of hate and homophobia I find solitude and love by being with my boyfriend : There is beauty in his finger tips, there is beauty in the lips I kiss. There is magic in his beautiful eyes, that justify the tears I cry / The Naz Project London ; photography by: Parminder Sekhon.
  • An anchoress or nun of an enclosed order locked in her cell; representing the monastic cell as the heaven of the loving soul. Coloured engraving, 16--.
  • A depressed scholar surrounded by mythological figures; representing the melancholy temperament. Etching by J.D. Nessenthaler, ca. 1750.
  • A depressed scholar surrounded by mythological figures; representing the melancholy temperament. Etching by J.D. Nessenthaler, ca. 1750.
  • Saint Bruno. Line engraving.
  • Place of natural outstanding beauty with a rock bearing an inscription in Arlesheim, Switzerland. Aquatint by W.F. Gmelin, 1786.
  • Place of natural outstanding beauty with a rock bearing an inscription in Arlesheim, Switzerland. Aquatint by W.F. Gmelin, 1786.
  • Saint William of Maleval. Etching by S. Rosa.
  • M. de Mélincourt is happy that his wife is painting flowers, his sister is playing music, his elder son is learning to fence and is younger son is playing with the dog. Engraving.
  • A man with AIDS with his head in his hands; advertising the AIDS Concern Hotline, Hong Kong. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • Tabloid First Aid for the Mother out Back
  • Saint Benedict: a poor peasant, enslaved by Zalla, a Goth brigand, is brought before the saint, who frees him from his restraints. Engraving by G. Giovannini after L. Garbieri.
  • King Charles I praying. Engraving by Abraham Hertochs, 1662 after P. Fruytiers after W. Marshall.
  • King Charles I praying. Engraving by W. Marshall, 1649.
  • An angel with the instruments of the Passion and a burning skull. Engraving by B. a Bolswert after A. Bloemaert.
  • Saint Francis of Assisi in wilderness, kneeling in front of a crucifix. Engraving by N. Dupuis, 1750, after J.B.M. Pierre.
  • Two young women gathering reeds by the edge of some water, watching, and being watched by, two deer. Engraving by F. Bracquemond after Gustave Jundt.