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6 results
  • An orange background bearing the white lettering: "Vous pouvez parler librement du SIDA, de la sexualité et de la toxicomanie. Votre médecin est tenu au secret professionnel." [You can talk freely of AIDS, sexuality and drug addiction. Your doctor is bound by professional secrecy]; an advertisement by the Swiss Physicians [FMH] and Swiss Federal Office of Public Health [OFSP]. Colour lithograph.
  • An orange background bearing the white lettering: "Il vostro medico è tenuto al segreto professionale. Voi, invece, siete liberi di parlare dell'AIDS, della sessualità e della droga." [Your doctor is bound by professional secrecy. You, however, you are free to talk about AIDS, sexuality and drugs]; an advertisement by the Swiss Physicians [FMH] and Swiss Federal Office of Public Health [UFSP]. Colour lithograph.
  • Philippe Hecquet. Line engraving by J. Daullé, 1742, after Marie-Anne Chéron, Mme. Belle.
  • An orange background bearing the white message "Your doctor has a duty of confidentiality. And you have freedom of speech on AIDS, sexuality and drug problems"; an advertisement by the FMH / BAG in association with the Swiss Physicians and Swiss Federal Office of Public Health.
  • Gaspard Poitevin. Engraving by E. Desrochers, 1716.
  • Members of a friendly society compensating one of its members for ill-health. Pen and ink and watercolour, c. 1807.