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8,034 results
  • Scientist pipetting with microcapillary
  • Scientist pipetting with microcapillary
  • Scientist examines bacterial culture flask
  • Scientist loading gel for electrophoresis
  • Scientist loading samples for electrophoresi
  • Scientist examines flask of bacteria culture
  • Scientist with samples in microtitre tray
  • Scientist + samples in microtitre tray
  • Young male scientist in a laboratory
  • Young male scientist in a laboratory
  • Young male scientist in a laboratory
  • Young male scientist in a laboratory
  • Young male scientist in a laboratory
  • Young male scientist in a laboratory
  • A T-cell infected with HIV within a poster by the New Scientist describing the science of AIDS. Colour lithograph.
  • Jandel Scientific : "microcomputer tools for the scientist" / Jandel Scientific GmbH.
  • Jandel Scientific : "microcomputer tools for the scientist" / Jandel Scientific GmbH.
  • A scientist looking down a microscope; representing the fight against cancer. Colour lithograph after G. Georget.
  • The Kalar-Azar Commission, India: a scientist at work on test tubes of sandflies. Photograph, 1920/1950.
  • A scientist using a device for the dilution of emulsions after microbial use. Photograph, [ca. 1940].
  • A scientist, posed with his microscope, in a drawing room setting. Photograph by Elliott and Fry.
  • What has a scientist to do with St.Michael biscuits? : behind the scenes at Marks and Spencer.
  • What has a scientist to do with St.Michael biscuits? : behind the scenes at Marks and Spencer.
  • What has a scientist to do with St.Michael biscuits? : behind the scenes at Marks and Spencer.
  • What has a scientist to do with St.Michael biscuits? : behind the scenes at Marks and Spencer.
  • What has a scientist to do with St.Michael biscuits? : behind the scenes at Marks and Spencer.
  • Yellow fever: a scientist wearing a face mask works at a laboratory bench with bunsen burners and microscopes. Photograph, 1910/1930 (?).
  • A dog, dressed as a scientist, performing an experiment on a human being; representing vivisection. Reproduction of a drawing after OBC(?).
  • A scientist using a steam machine with pulley to extract a tooth from a man. Pen drawing by C.E.H., 1894.
  • A scientist using a steam machine with pulley to extract a tooth from a man. Pen drawing by C.E.H., 1894.