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978 results
  • Hand covered in various symbols
  • Chemical symbols. Woodall, Surgeon's Mate. 1630
  • Neolithic representation of solar symbols, Spain.
  • Shiva and his symbols. Watercolour drawing.
  • A folding table of chemical symbols
  • Ancient Carib symbols on a rock. Albumen print.
  • Chemistry: various alchemical symbols. Engraving by A. Bell.
  • Bronze Age representation of solar symbols on dolmen.
  • Shiva with his symbols riding Nandi. Gouache drawing.
  • Rosicrucian symbols from the 16th and17th
  • Rosicrucian symbols from the 16th and17th
  • Prehistoric symbols carved on Rocher du pas du Roi.
  • Symbols of Mary (the Blessed Virgin) and Christ. Engraving.
  • Laboratoire et table des raports; lab. & table of symbols
  • Ganesha enthroned holding his symbols with his rat. Watercolour drawing.
  • Kali with all of her symbols and dog. Gouache drawing.
  • Naked man surrounded by the twelve symbols of the zodiac.
  • Two begging Brahmans carrying a religious altar and symbols. Gouache drawing.
  • A cartouche including symbols of death and a funerary procession. Woodcut.
  • Attribution, symbols and names of God. Chromolithograph by S.E. Needham.
  • Symbols and talismans from Hindu, pagan and Jewish religions illustrating superstition. Engraving.
  • Durga on her lotus with symbols surrounded and attended by devotees. Gouache drawing.
  • A man made up out of chemical apparatus, symbols, and chemicals. Coloured lithograph.
  • Telegraphy: symbols used in to convey various letters and numbers telegraphically. Engraving by Mutlow.
  • Symbols of death and mourning to mark World AIDS Day 1997. Colour lithograph, 1997.
  • Pictorial cards bearing the symbols of each of the four suits. Stipple engraving, 1818.
  • A design for a pharmacy label with snakes, an alligator, symbols and urns. Pen drawing.
  • Beecham's school quiz No 6 : well known signs and you know them?.
  • A table of Christian signs, symbols and images; top centre the Virgin of Loreto. Etching.
  • Pictorial cards bearing the symbols of each of the four suits. Coloured stipple engraving, 1818.