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928 results
  • Pigmentary staining of skin caused by circumscribed scleroderma
  • Face of a man with peculiar staining of the skin, caused by melanotic sarcomata
  • Hands of a man with peculiar staining of the skin, caused by melanotic sarcomata
  • Diagnostic test for Fragile X, using presence (normal) or absence (Fragile X syndrome) of FMR-1 protein. FMR-1 protein expression in blood cells has been made visible with antibodies against the FMR-1 protein. The presence of FMR-1 protein is made visible as red staining. a: red staining in cells of normal individual. b/c: absence of staining in male patient. d: female patient; one cell is showing staining and in the other cell there is an absence of staining - this individual is a carrier.
  • Elevation of a paper mill (top), elevation of the equipment for staining papers (bottom): both lettered for a key. Engraving by S. Porter, 1806, after J. Farey the younger.
  • Elevation of a iron mill (top), elevation of the equipment for staining papers (bottom): both lettered for a key. Engraving by S. Porter, 1806, after J. Farey the younger.
  • Neurons derived from human neural stem cells. The green staining highlights the typical appearance of differentiated nerve cells. Cells such as these could form the basis of future treatments for degenerative brain diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.
  • Johann Staininger, a man with a very long beard. Aquatint.
  • Johann Staininger, a man with a very long beard. Line engraving, 1814.
  • Johann Staininger, a man with a very long beard. Line engraving, 1814.
  • Antibiotic stained tooth
  • Fragile X chromosome, various stains
  • Normal blood picture; Giemsa stain.
  • Fibroblasts stained to show viability
  • Golgi stained fusiform cells 1
  • Human small intestine showing villi. The cytokeratinin the cells is stained blue, the cell nuclei are stained red and the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels are stained green.
  • Human small intestine showing villi and glands. The cytokeratinin the cells is stained blue, the cell nuclei are stained red and the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels are stained green.
  • Human small intestine showing villi and glands. The cytokeratinin the cells is stained blue, the cell nuclei are stained red and the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels are stained green.
  • Human small intestine showing the columnar epithelium. The cytokeratinin the cells is stained blue, the cell nuclei are stained red and the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels are stained green.
  • Human small intestine showing villi and glands. The cytokeratinin the cells is stained blue, the cell nuclei are stained red and the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels are stained green.
  • Multi-sized beads (constellation stained), fluorescence
  • Outer hair cells stained for actin
  • Malignant keratinocytes stained to show the
  • Pharmacy scales, in oak stained box
  • Campylobacter organisms, stained by Gram's method
  • Human small intestine showing villi and glands. The cytokeratin in the cells is stained blue, the cell nuclei are stained red and the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels are stained green.
  • Blood cells in myeloid leukaemia stained with Ehrlich's triple stain, as seen under a microscope. Watercolour after A. Goodall, 1912.
  • Blood smear showing erythroblastosis fetalis; giemsa stain.
  • Drosophila ovaries stained for actin/purple and DNA/orange.
  • Normal sheep blood smear stained by giemsa.