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342 results
  • Types of punishment (?)
  • Types of punishment (?)
  • Example of Roman military punishment: Banishment
  • Sins and subsequent punishment in Hell. Chromolithograph.
  • Three illustrations of Roman military punishment: banishment, degrading punishment, and freemen degraded and sold into slavery. Etchings by A.M.I. after W. Hogarth.
  • Example of a Roman military punishment, soldiers being sold into slavery and servitude
  • Example of Decimation, a Roman military punishment where every tenth man sufferes death
  • A Chinese man carrying the cangue around his neck as a punishment. Halftone, 19--.
  • The punishment of being issued barley instead of wheat. Etching by W. Hogarth, 1725.
  • The Roman miliary punishment of Humiliation either by taking away the Military Belt or Girdle or by making the offender do a task that is beneath them, more a temporary or part of a punishment
  • Three different methods of punishment and torture, including scourging the bare buttocks of a culprit. Etching.
  • Two Chinese men carrying the cangue around their necks as a punishment. Wood engraving after John Thomson.
  • Two Chinese men carrying the cangue around their necks as a punishment. Wood engraving after John Thomson.
  • Example of Beheading, a Roman military punishment carried out by the use of a axe or sword
  • Roman military punishment showing the breaking of the legs of slaves or persons of an inferiour level.
  • The punishment of criminal soldiers on a scaffold-like contraption called "Strappado". Etching after Jacques Callot, ca. 1633.
  • A Chinese man stands carrying the cangue around his neck as a punishment. Process print after a photograph.
  • Example of two types of beating in Roman military punishment showing a beating either by sticks or rods
  • A poacher is ducked in a pond by a landowner as a punishment for shooting ducks. Lithograph after R. Seymour.
  • The punishment of criminal soldiers by hanging them in large numbers on a tree. Etching after Jacques Callot, ca. 1633.
  • The punishment of criminal soldiers by hanging them in large numbers on a tree. Etching after Jacques Callot, ca. 1633.
  • The murder of Captain Benevente, and the conspiracy and subsequent divine punishment of the culprits. Etching with engraving and letterpress.
  • Dante and Virgil watching heretics in hell ripping their bodies apart as punishment for schism. Etching by B. Pinelli, 1825.
  • A Chinese woman about to be beaten with a wooden rod as a judicial punishment. Coloured aquatint by W. Alexander, 1804.
  • A crucified man fallen prey to birds on an island; representing the punishment for cannibalism. Wood engraving by E. Meunier after Riou.
  • A furious cuckold rushes at his rival with a sword; representing vice as its own punishment. Engraving after O. van Veen (Vaenius), 1612.
  • A boy is caught by a shopkeeper and threatened with a stick as punishment for breaking a window. Coloured lithograph after J.R. Barfoot.
  • A mother suffocates her baby; above, her vision of demons torturing her as punishment after her own death. Colour woodcut by Kuniaki Utagawa, 1868.
  • Left, a Tartar musketeer holding a gun; right, Chinese man carrying the cangue around his neck as a punishment. Coloured engraving by A. Freschi, 1812.
  • The revelation of St John: an angel descending from the sun brandishing a sword for punishment of the sinful; an allegory of AIDS. Colour silk screen print after Peret, 1993.