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42 results
  • Interior of a surgery with two operators, one letting blood from a man's arm, the other giving treatment to a man's back. Oil painting by a follower of David Teniers the younger.
  • Interior of a surgery with two operators, one letting blood from a man's arm, the other giving treatment to a man's back. Oil painting by a follower of David Teniers the younger.
  • Interior of a surgery with two operators, one letting blood from a man's arm, the other giving treatment to a man's back. Oil painting by a follower of David Teniers the younger.
  • Interior of a surgery with two operators, one letting blood from a man's arm, the other giving treatment to a man's back. Oil painting by a follower of David Teniers the younger.
  • Interior of a surgery with two operators, one letting blood from a man's arm, the other giving treatment to a man's back. Oil painting by a follower of David Teniers the younger.
  • Interior of a surgery with two operators, one letting blood from a man's arm, the other giving treatment to a man's back. Oil painting by a follower of David Teniers the younger.
  • Interior of a surgery with two operators, one letting blood from a man's arm, the other giving treatment to a man's back. Oil painting by a follower of David Teniers the younger.
  • Mesmeric therapy. Oil painting by a French (?) painter, 1778/1784.
  • Mesmeric therapy. Oil painting by a French (?) painter, 1778/1784.
  • Mesmeric therapy. Oil painting by a French (?) painter, 1778/1784.
  • Mesmeric therapy. Oil painting by a French (?) painter, 1778/1784.
  • Mesmeric therapy. Oil painting by a French (?) painter, 1778/1784.
  • Mesmeric therapy. Oil painting by a French (?) painter, 1778/1784.
  • Mesmeric therapy. Oil painting by a French (?) painter, 1778/1784.
  • Sequah on Clapham Common. Oil painting, ca. 1890.
  • Sequah on Clapham Common. Oil painting, ca. 1890.
  • Sequah on Clapham Common. Oil painting, ca. 1890.
  • Sequah on Clapham Common. Oil painting, ca. 1890.
  • Sequah on Clapham Common. Oil painting, ca. 1890.
  • Sequah on Clapham Common. Oil painting, ca. 1890.
  • Sequah on Clapham Common. Oil painting, ca. 1890.
  • Sequah on Clapham Common. Oil painting, ca. 1890.
  • Five men hold a flag which they use to dig; advertisement for gay men to use precautions by Gay Men Fighting Aids. Colour lithograph.
  • Aphrodisiacs and anti-aphrodisiacs : three essays on the powers of reproduction : with some account of the judicial "congress" as practised in France during the seventeenth century / by John Davenport.
  • A verger's dream: Saints Cosmas and Damian performing a miraculous cure by transplantation of a leg. Oil painting attributed to the Master of Los Balbases, ca. 1495.
  • A verger's dream: Saints Cosmas and Damian performing a miraculous cure by transplantation of a leg. Oil painting attributed to the Master of Los Balbases, ca. 1495.
  • A verger's dream: Saints Cosmas and Damian performing a miraculous cure by transplantation of a leg. Oil painting attributed to the Master of Los Balbases, ca. 1495.
  • A verger's dream: Saints Cosmas and Damian performing a miraculous cure by transplantation of a leg. Oil painting attributed to the Master of Los Balbases, ca. 1495.
  • A verger's dream: Saints Cosmas and Damian performing a miraculous cure by transplantation of a leg. Oil painting attributed to the Master of Los Balbases, ca. 1495.
  • A verger's dream: Saints Cosmas and Damian performing a miraculous cure by transplantation of a leg. Oil painting attributed to the Master of Los Balbases, ca. 1495.