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10 results
  • A fortune-teller reading the palm of a soldier. Oil painting by Pietro Della Vecchia.
  • A fortune-teller reading the palm of a soldier. Oil painting by Pietro Della Vecchia.
  • A fortune-teller reading the palm of a soldier. Oil painting by Pietro Della Vecchia.
  • A fortune-teller reading the palm of a soldier. Oil painting by Pietro Della Vecchia.
  • A fortune-teller reading the palm of a soldier. Oil painting by Pietro Della Vecchia.
  • A grotesque accouchement. Oil painting.
  • A grotesque accouchement. Oil painting.
  • A grotesque accouchement. Oil painting.
  • A man attended by a surgeon (suicide of Seneca?). Oil painting.
  • A man attended by a surgeon (suicide of Seneca?). Oil painting.