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59 results
  • Personification of 'Allegrezza' from C. Ripa's 'Iconologia..'
  • Proserpine, represented by a personification of night. Engraving by B. Picart after J.M. Raon.
  • A personification of France offering a soldier the hand of patriotism. Chromolithograph by A. Guillaume.
  • As the personification of Charity, a woman is holding two children by her side. Engraving by J. Phelps.
  • Faith and a female personification of the papacy before a small church; above them the dove of the Holy Spirit dispersing seven sacred gifts: fear, knowledge, council, wisdom, understanding, strength and piety. Coloured etching.
  • A personification of faith with a cross, standing on a column, looking upwards and raising her right arm. Stipple engraving by G.S and J.G Facius, 1781, after Josiah Boydell after Sir Joshua Reynolds.
  • Led by the female personification of Germany, the representatives of Germans kneel to the left of the throne of Charles V, while the leaders of the protestant states stand on the right. Engraving after A. van der Does.
  • The personification of the Republic of Holland is surrounded by representations of religion, liberty, peace, navigation, commerce, fortune and abundance, as well as Asia, Africa and America; representing the glory of the Republic of Holland. Engraving by B. Picart.
  • Hygieia as a personification of hygiene: a woman holding up the palm of her hand on the left and holding the staff of Aesculapius on the right, with water in the background; advertising an exhibition in Düsseldorf on health and welfare. Colour lithograph after L. ten Hompel, 1926.
  • The personification of Rome sitting on a column, balancing the statue of Mars on her hand; next to her the river god Tiber and the she-wolf with Romulus and Remus, behind them the panorama of Rome; representing the city of Rome. Engraving after Jan van der Straet.
  • A personification of Obedience with her attributes is attacked from the sides by eight vices; above her appears Christ on the cross; (top left) the sacrifice of Isaac; (right) Jacob sends Joseph to his brothers; (below) three examples of disobedience, including the expulsion from Paradise. Engraving after H. Wierix .
  • A large syringe about to inject into a row of arms with a personification of the HIV virus bearing a red bandana and the pronged fork of the devil lurks nearby; a warning about the dangers of sharing needles by the AIDS Unit Department of Health, Government of Hong Kong. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • A man pulling a condom over his body to protect himself from an approaching man wearing a grass skirt and devil's horns representing a personification of the AIDS disease; he holds a spear that breaks on impact with the condom; an advertisement for the AIDS Awareness Programme by the Pache Trust in Madurai, India. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • Three allegorical personifications of womankind. Coloured halftone, 1898, after A. Vignola, 1897.
  • Personifications of medicine, pharmacy and surgery. Oil painting after (?) Nicolas de Larmessin.
  • Personifications of prudence and justice. Etching by S. Mulinari after G.F. Barbieri, il Guercino.
  • Pharmaceutical bill-head for the Pharmacie Centrale de France showing personifications of commerce (left) and pharmacy (right). Steel engraving.
  • Personifications of law, medicine and theology argue over the superiority of their respective professions. Engraving by GWHWHNM, ca. 1720.
  • A man harrassed by personifications of greed, guilt, credulity, jealousy, sadness and pride. Engraving by P. Galle, ca 1563.
  • A street carnival in Bogotá, with a battle between personifications of medicine and disease. Watercolour by F.-D. Roulin, 1822/1828.
  • Personifications of sexually transmitted diseases with a warning 'Don't pass it on'; advertisement by Health Edco. Colour lithograph by V. Herschberger.
  • Saint Mary Magdalen (?). Colour stipple engraving by R. Earlom, 1789, after G.B. Cipriani.
  • Time trampling on Envy. Etching after C. Maratta.
  • Allegory of the waters of Rome. Engraving by C. Fantetti, c. 1675.
  • A Belgian soldier in front of the Belgian flag. Colour process print, 191-.
  • A Belgian soldier in front of the Belgian flag. Colour process print, 191-.
  • The genius of painting, preferring sacred to secular history, brings to the public the history of Samson, and writes a dedication to E. Colbert. Etching by J. Gillet and F. Verdier after F. Verdier, 1698.
  • A French soldier in front of the French flag. Colour process print, 191-.
  • A French soldier in front of the French flag. Colour process print, 191-.
  • A butterfly wearing a condom on its main body with a caterpillar nearby; an illustration by Edith Hirsch representing an advertisement for an auction exhibition of pictures on the theme of AIDS to benefit the Österreichische AIDS-Hilfe at the Zentrale der Wiener Rettung, Vienna between 29 November to 12 December 1988 in commemoration of World AIDS Day. Colour lithograph.