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12 results
  • Eleanor doing penance for witchcraft. Engraving by A. Smith, 1811, after R. Smirke.
  • The sacrament of the Roman Catholic church; confession (penance). Etching after B. Picart.
  • The sacrament of the Roman Catholic church: confession (penance). Etching by B. Picart.
  • Men and women in India performing various kinds of penance and mortification.. Etching by Giuseppe Filosi.
  • Monks singing the Liturgy of the Hours; one monk doing penance. Etching by J.J. de Boissieu, 1795.
  • The shrine of Saint Thomas of Canterbury: King Henry II being scourged in penance. Coloured etching by J. Carter, 1794.
  • A dancing couple from the Pujari caste. Gouache drawing.
  • Saint Elizabeth of Hungary. Halftone after P.H. Calderon.
  • An old Hindu ascetic or holy man: standing, with left arm raised above his head, and overgrown fingernails. Gouache painting.
  • Three Hindu ascetics walking on burning embers. Gouache painting by an artist of Thanjavur (Tanjore).
  • A Hindu ascetic, or holy man: seated in the lotus position on a leopard skin, with withered arms raised above his head. Coloured stipple engraving, 1814.
  • Top: Chinese men seeking alms by threatening to kill themselves by self-mutilation, one (left) kneeling to hit his head against a rock, and the other (right) with burning herbs on his head; below, a monk being whipped as a punishment for promiscuity. Engraving by C. Du Bosc after B. Picart after J. Nieuhof.