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322 results
  • Tropical Diseases, Parasite of quatan infection.
  • Bilhazia parasite, Manson
  • Salmon sea louse, fish parasite
  • Salmon sea louse mouth, fish parasite
  • Sir R. Ross: discovery of malaria parasite
  • Plasmodium ookinetes, malaria parasite life cycle, SEM
  • Leishmania mexicana parasite in the promastigote stage, SEM
  • Tapeworms of poultry : how to control them / [prepared by the Animal Disease and Parasite Research Division, Agricultural Research Service]
  • Tapeworms of poultry : how to control them / [prepared by the Animal Disease and Parasite Research Division, Agricultural Research Service]
  • Tapeworms of poultry : how to control them / [prepared by the Animal Disease and Parasite Research Division, Agricultural Research Service]
  • The bandicot tick (Ixodes reduvius), vector of the louping-ill parasite. Coloured drawing by A.J.E. Terzi.
  • Life-cycle stages of the parasite Haemogregarina muris and its vector, the mite (Lelaps echidninus). Coloured drawing by A.J.E. Terzi.
  • Life-cycle stages of the parasite Babesia canis and its vector, the kennel tick (Rhicephalus sanguineus). Coloured drawing by A.J.E. Terzi.
  • Un nouveau parasite trouvé dans le sang des malades atteints de fièvre palustre : origine parasitaire des accidents de l'impaludisme / par A. Laveran.
  • Secunderabad, India: the room in which Ronald Ross attributed the transmission of the malaria parasite to the anopheles mosquito. Photograph by Raja Deen Dayal & Sons, 19--.
  • A cow wearing a rosette above an image of a parasite that affects cattle: advert for Valbazen, a cure for parasitic cattle infections in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ultravetis, ca. 2000.
  • Malaria parasites
  • Malaria parasites in a mosquito midgut
  • Malaria parasites in a mosquito midgut
  • Leishmania mexicana parasites in the promastigote stage, SEM
  • Leishmania mexicana parasites in the amastigote stage, SEM
  • Leishmania mexicana parasites in the amastigote stage, SEM
  • Hygiene in China: the ten parasites. Colour lithographs, 1952.
  • Hygiene in China: the ten parasites. Colour lithographs, 1952.
  • Hygiene in China: the ten parasites. Colour lithographs, 1952.
  • Hygiene in China: the ten parasites. Colour lithographs, 1952.
  • Hygiene in China: the ten parasites. Colour lithographs, 1952.
  • Hygiene in China: the ten parasites. Colour lithographs, 1952.
  • Hygiene in China: the ten parasites. Colour lithographs, 1952.
  • Hygiene in China: the ten parasites. Colour lithographs, 1952.