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50 results
  • Children with orthopedic disorders. Twenty six pen drawings.
  • Children with orthopedic disorders. Twenty six pen drawings.
  • Chinese woodcut: Orthopedic technique to treat prolapsed disk
  • Orthopedic traction, the Archimedes screw and astronomical instruments: seven figures. Etching, 1769.
  • Three men wearing orthopedic apparatus exercising; another is strapped into leg braces. Aquatint by P. Sandby (?), 1783.
  • Three men wearing orthopedic apparatus exercising; another is strapped into leg braces. Aquatint by P. Sandby (?), 1783.
  • Three men wearing orthopedic apparatus exercising; another is strapped into leg braces. Aquatint by P. Sandby (?), 1783.
  • Three men wearing orthopedic apparatus exercising; another is strapped into leg braces. Aquatint by P. Sandby (?), 1783.
  • A brass corset used to minimise the waist or as an orthopedic device to support the back or correct a spinal deformity. Probably English
  • A brass corset used to minimise the waist or as an orthopedic device to support the back or correct a spinal deformity. Probably English
  • A brass corset used to minimise the waist or as an orthopedic device to support the back or correct a spinal deformity. Probably English
  • A brass corset used to minimise the waist or as an orthopedic device to support the back or correct a spinal deformity. Probably English
  • A brass corset used to minimise the waist or as an orthopedic device to support the back or correct a spinal deformity. Probably English
  • A brass corset used to minimise the waist or as an orthopedic device to support the back or correct a spinal deformity. Probably English
  • A brass corset used to minimise the waist or as an orthopedic device to support the back or correct a spinal deformity. Probably English
  • A brass corset used to minimise the waist or as an orthopedic device to support the back or correct a spinal deformity. Probably English
  • The after treatment of wounds and injuries / by R.C. Elmslie.
  • The after treatment of wounds and injuries / by R.C. Elmslie.
  • De l'orthomorphie, par rapport a L'espèce humaine; ou recherches anatomico-pathologiques sur ler causes, les moyens de prèvenir, ceux de quérir les principales [des] difformités et sur les véritables fondemens de l'art appelé orthopédique / par le Prof. Delpech. Avec atlas.
  • De l'orthomorphie, par rapport a L'espèce humaine; ou recherches anatomico-pathologiques sur ler causes, les moyens de prèvenir, ceux de quérir les principales [des] difformités et sur les véritables fondemens de l'art appelé orthopédique / par le Prof. Delpech. Avec atlas.
  • Children playing a game with one of them being pulled along on a baby-walker with ribbons. Etching by N. Larmessin, 1735, after N. Lancret.
  • L'orthopédie, ou, l'art de prevenir et de corriger dans les enfans, les difformités du corps / [Nicolas Andry de Bois-Regard].
  • L'orthopédie, ou, l'art de prevenir et de corriger dans les enfans, les difformités du corps / [Nicolas Andry de Bois-Regard].
  • L'orthopédie, ou, l'art de prevenir et de corriger dans les enfans, les difformités du corps / [Nicolas Andry de Bois-Regard].
  • L'orthopédie, ou, l'art de prevenir et de corriger dans les enfans, les difformités du corps / [Nicolas Andry de Bois-Regard].
  • L'orthopédie, ou, l'art de prevenir et de corriger dans les enfans, les difformités du corps / [Nicolas Andry de Bois-Regard].
  • Orthopaedic apparatus for the whole human body: posterior view. Engraving by G. Georgi, 1656.
  • Orthopaedic apparatus for the whole human body: anterior view. Engraving by G. Georgi, 1656.
  • A nurse (?) presenting trusses, corsets and artificial limbs to those who need them. Colour lithograph by Henry Le Monnier, 1924.
  • An amputated leg in a tourniquet supported by a piece of wood that covers the end of the stump. Engraving by J. Beugo.