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28 results
  • Family oracle of health, economy, medicine and good living.
  • A Turkish oracle; the torture wheel of Pope Pius VI. Engraving.
  • The Pythia of Delphi (Delphic oracle), in her temple, giving prophecies to people. Etching by M. Dasio, 1901.
  • Beecham's "oracle" : this novelty is the property of Beechams Pills Limited, St. Helens, England : (registered trade mark no. 586676).
  • Beecham's "oracle" : this novelty is the property of Beechams Pills Limited, St. Helens, England : (registered trade mark no. 586676).
  • Beecham's "oracle" : this novelty is the property of Beechams Pills Limited, St. Helens, England : (registered trade mark no. 586676).
  • Beecham's "oracle" : this novelty is the property of Beechams Pills Limited, St. Helens, England : (registered trade mark no. 586676).
  • Beecham's "oracle" : this novelty is the property of Beechams Pills Limited, St. Helens, England : (registered trade mark no. 586676).
  • Beecham's "oracle" : this novelty is the property of Beechams Pills Limited, St. Helens, England : (registered trade mark no. 586676).
  • The housekeeper's oracle; or, art of domestic management. Containing a complete system of carving with accuracy and elegance : hints relative to dinner parties the art of managing servants and the economist and epicure's calendar ... / [Preface by the late William Kitchiner].
  • Antonii van Dale poliatri Harlemensis De oraculis veterum ethnicorum dissertationes duae, quarum nunc prior agit de eorum origine atque auctoribus; secunda de ipsorum duratione et interitu / [Antonius van Dale].
  • Antonii van Dale poliatri Harlemensis De oraculis veterum ethnicorum dissertationes duae, quarum nunc prior agit de eorum origine atque auctoribus; secunda de ipsorum duratione et interitu / [Antonius van Dale].
  • Antonii van Dale poliatri Harlemensis De oraculis veterum ethnicorum dissertationes duae, quarum nunc prior agit de eorum origine atque auctoribus; secunda de ipsorum duratione et interitu / [Antonius van Dale].
  • The cave of Trophonius in Livadeia, Greece; the cavities in the rock are for votive offerings. Etching by Elizabeth Byrne, 1813, after E.D. Clarke.
  • Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. Line engraving.
  • Judas Iscariot. Drawing, c. 1789, after H. Holbein.
  • An evil demon (dMu) who causes dropsy. Watercolour by a Tibetan painter.
  • J. St. John Long (a dubious medical practitioner) dressed as a funeral mourner surrounded by ducks and placards which advertise several malpractice cases of his in which patients died. Coloured etching attributed to A. Sharpshooter, 1830.
  • King Ahaziah lies sick after having fallen through an upper window: Elijah foretells his death. Drawing by H.P. Bone.
  • Saint Jerome. Line engraving by M. Dossier after A. Dieu.
  • William Kitchiner. Mezzotint by C. Turner, 1827, after himself.
  • William Kitchiner. Mezzotint by C. Turner, 1827, after himself.
  • William Kitchiner. Mezzotint by C. Turner, 1827, after himself.
  • Attributes of Pehar and his four companions in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of Pehar and his four companions in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of Pehar and his four companions in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • A seated Greek woman on an obstetrical stool being held in position by her husband while giving birth aided by a midwife, another attendant dresses the first baby. Line engraving by A. Tardieu after N. Maréchal.
  • A seated Greek woman on an obstetrical stool being held in position by her husband while giving birth aided by a midwife, another attendant dresses the first baby. Line engraving by A. Tardieu after N. Maréchal.