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267 results
  • The Virgin of the Miracles in the parish church of Sernache. Lithograph.
  • Saint Francis Xavier performing miracles in Asia: he heals and revives people. Etching by W. Unger after P.P. Rubens.
  • A sarcophagus depicting the miracles of Jesus Christ, displayed at the Archeological museum of Algiers, Algeria. Photograph, 1920/1950 (?), of a relief carving.
  • Saint Silvester Gozzolini: he receives communion from the Virgin (centre); his miracles (border around). Coloured engraving by G. Lauro, 1603, after D. Fortunato Muzio.
  • Saint Gothard wearing episcopal dress as bishop of Hildesheim; church in the background, with roundels showing miracles attributed to him. Engraving by G.M. Riva, 17--.
  • Saint Peter, Apostle (29th June). Invoked against hydrophobia, serpent bites, possession by the deviland fever, all of which are connected with miracles wrought by him, detailed in the Acts of the Apostles. Represented usually with books and keys.
  • Wonders no miracles, or, Mr. Valentine Greatrates [sic] gift of healing examined, upon occasion of a sad effect of his stroaking, March the 7. 1665. at one Mr. Cressets house in Charter-House-Yard. In a letter to a Reverend-Divine, living near that place ... / [David Lloyd].
  • A miracle; the raising of the dead. Etching by M. Bianchi, 1894.
  • Jesus calls the fishermen to be his apostles; in the background he performs the miracle at Cana. Woodcut.
  • Saint Thomas of Villanova performs a posthumous miracle: he cures a woman who was about to die. Engraving.
  • Saint Amadio degli Amidei and the miracle of the resuscitation of the drowned boy. Engraving after B. Poccetti.
  • Saint Antony of Padua: the miracle of the amputated foot. Engraving by V. Lefebvre and G. Seuter after Titian.
  • Saint Januarius: worshippers demand that his blood be turned green or yellow as a miracle. Coloured lithograph by G. Castagnola.
  • Holy Lake, Mount Zouquala, Abyssinia: pilgrims being lead to the lake in hope of a miracle. Watercolour drawing by F. Dadd, 1897.
  • Crowds of sick people gathered at the tomb of F. de Paris, St. Medard cemetery, in the hope of a miracle cure. Engraving.
  • The deceased Saint Agnes of Montepulciano raising her foot to be kissed by Saint Catherine of Siena with scenes behind of a martyrdom and a miracle. Engraving by P. de Jode after F. Vanni.
  • At Fawk's booth in the upper Moorfields, is to be seen a miracle of nature, being a woman that has a horn growing on the back part of her head, full 10 inches long ...
  • At Fawk's booth in the upper Moorfields, is to be seen a miracle of nature, being a woman that has a horn growing on the back part of her head, full 10 inches long ...
  • A slave who venerated the relics of Saint Mark is saved from martyrdom when his instrument of torture is broken by a miracle. Colour woodcut by J.B. Jackson, 1731/1745, after J. Robusti, il Tintoretto.
  • A man charged with punishing a slave who venerated the relics of Saint Mark shows that his instrument of torture was broken by a miracle. Colour woodcut by J.B. Jackson, 1731/1745, after J. Robusti, il Tintoretto.
  • A man charged with punishing a slave who venerated the relics of Saint Mark shows that his instrument of torture was broken by a miracle. Colour woodcut by J.B. Jackson, 1731/1745, after J. Robusti, il Tintoretto.
  • A man charged with punishing a slave who venerated the relics of Saint Mark shows that his instrument of torture was broken by a miracle. Colour woodcut by J.B. Jackson, 1731/1745, after J. Robusti, il Tintoretto.
  • A miracle in which people clamour around a central figure on top of a hill surrounded by crashing waves representing an advertisement for The AIDS Ministries Program of Connecticut. Colour lithograph by Mintz & Hoke Advertising and Public Relations.
  • A man suffering from mental illness or epilepsy is held up in front of an altar on which is a reliquary with the face of Christ, several lame men are also at the altar in the hope of a miracle cure. Watercolour.
  • A man suffering from mental illness or epilepsy is held up in front of an altar on which is a reliquary with the face of Christ, several lame men are also at the altar in the hope of a miracle cure. Watercolour.
  • A white angel-like figure with wings being embraced by a black demon-like creature with ears with a quote from Friedrich Dürrenmatt stating that love is a miracle but evil is never very far away; a warning about AIDS by the AIDS-Hilfe Vorarlberg. Colour lithograph by Kurt Dornig.
  • A discourse upon prodigious abstinence: occasioned by the twelve moneths fasting of Martha Taylor, the famed Derbyshire demosell: proving that without any miracle, the texture of humane bodies may be so altered, that life may be long continued without the supplies of meat and drink. With an account of the heart, and how far it is interessed in the business of fermentation / By John Reynolds. Humbly offered to the Royall society.
  • A physician examines a patient's tongue. Lithograph by Charles Vernier, 1853.
  • A physician examines a patient's tongue. Lithograph by Charles Vernier, 1853.
  • The Blessed Aegidius Rodericus de Vauzella. Line engraving by J. and J. Klauber.