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37 results
  • Ovid's Metamorphosis, 1640
  • Ovid's Metamorphosis, 1640
  • Ovid's Metamorphosis, 1640
  • Ovid's Metamorphosis, 1640
  • Metamorphosis of Filaria bancrofti.
  • Developing muscles and their innervation during metamorphosis
  • The metamorphosis of Ajax, a Cloacinean satire: with the Anatomy and Apology ... To which is added Ulysses upon Ajax / [Sir John Harington].
  • The head of a frog, in the fourth stage of a physiognomic metamorphosis into an ideal head of Apollo. Coloured drawing by J.C. Lavater, 179-.
  • The head of a frog, in the early stages of a physiognomic metamorphosis into an ideal head of Apollo. Coloured drawing by J.C. Lavater, 179-.
  • Transgenic Drosophila pupa expressing GFP
  • Transgenic Drosophila pupa expressing GFP
  • Transgenic Drosophila pupa expressing GFP
  • A monk, praying by a brick wall, turns into a turkey; above, a modest nun with a purple veil, with whom he is in love. Watercolour by M. Bishop, 1969.
  • A monk, praying by a brick wall, turns into a turkey; above, a modest nun with a purple veil, with whom he is in love. Watercolour by M. Bishop, 1969.
  • Myrrha, being transformed into the myrrh tree, gives birth to Adonis. Oil painting by a follower of Luigi Garzi.
  • Myrrha, being transformed into the myrrh tree, gives birth to Adonis. Oil painting by a follower of Luigi Garzi.
  • Dog flea larva - colour-enhanced SEM
  • The transfigured Christ. Drawing, c. 1788, after Raphael.
  • Confocal image of an eye-antennal disc from a
  • Transgenic Drosophila pupa expressing GFP in its eyes
  • A vaccinated man grows horns in front of a couple with a lancet. Coloured etching, c. 1800.
  • A married couple who have begun physically to resemble each other. Drawing, c. 1794.
  • A vaccinated man grows horns in front of a couple with a lancet. Coloured etching, c. 1800.
  • The head of Apollo, his physiognomy having metamorphosed from that of a frog. Coloured drawing by J.C. Lavater, 179-.
  • Big black cats howl as naked witches ascend into the night over the city. Colour process print after of a lithograph by T.A. Steinlen.
  • Two physiognomies showing hybrids of man and ox. Drawing, c. 1789, after C. Le Brun.
  • A star falls into the pit of hell as locusts torture those unelected to heaven. Woodcut, c. 16th century.
  • Christ heals two possessed men; in the background swine leap off a cliff. Engraving.
  • A goat-headed man caresses a sleeping ewe-headed woman; representing the notion of animal magnetism and its application by physicians. Etching after M. Voltz (?), 1815.
  • A goat-headed man caresses a sleeping ewe-headed woman; representing the notion of animal magnetism and its application by physicians. Etching after M. Voltz (?), 1815.