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70 results
  • Leisure pursuits on a summer's evening on and about the river. Colour woodcut, ca. 1900.
  • AIDS is hard to get : information on AIDS in Camden libraries / London Borough of Camden Leisure Department Community Information Services.
  • AIDS is hard to get : information on AIDS in Camden libraries / London Borough of Camden Leisure Department Community Information Services.
  • AIDS is hard to get : information on AIDS in Camden libraries / London Borough of Camden Leisure Department Community Information Services.
  • AIDS is hard to get : information on AIDS in Camden libraries / London Borough of Camden Leisure Department Community Information Services.
  • AIDS is hard to get : information on AIDS in Camden libraries / London Borough of Camden Leisure Department Community Information Services.
  • AIDS is hard to get : information on AIDS in Camden libraries / London Borough of Camden Leisure Department Community Information Services.
  • AIDS is hard to get : information on AIDS in Camden libraries / London Borough of Camden Leisure Department Community Information Services.
  • AIDS is hard to get : information on AIDS in Camden libraries / London Borough of Camden Leisure Department Community Information Services.
  • Serbo-Bulgarian War: a café scene in Nisch where soldiers and the wounded are at leisure. Wood engraving.
  • A man in shorts and t-shirt bearing label 'Hounslow Leisure' sitting on a seat in a swimming pool; an advertisement for safe sex by the Hounslow Council's Corporate AIDS/HIV Unit. Colour lithograph.
  • A gentleman of leisure says : after a heavy dinner at the club I always take a Bile Bean : Bile Beans for biliousness / The Bile Bean Manufacturing Co.
  • A gentleman of leisure says : after a heavy dinner at the club I always take a Bile Bean : Bile Beans for biliousness / The Bile Bean Manufacturing Co.
  • A gentleman of leisure says : after a heavy dinner at the club I always take a Bile Bean : Bile Beans for biliousness / The Bile Bean Manufacturing Co.
  • A gentleman of leisure says : after a heavy dinner at the club I always take a Bile Bean : Bile Beans for biliousness / The Bile Bean Manufacturing Co.
  • A barber wearing a turban preparing to shave a seated officer who leisurely smokes a cigar; another assistant, also wearing a turban, polishes boots. Ink drawing.
  • A youth idling by a brook, representing restful withdrawal from the world. Engraving by J. Heath, 1810, after R. Westall.
  • Men sitting at a table in a garden outside a tavern, smoking and drinking as a young woman joins in the conversation. Mezzotint by William Ward, 1802, after George Morland.
  • Entertainment ephemera. Box 1.
  • A British sailor sitting contentedly with a tankard of ale. Aquatint with etching, c. 1781.
  • Men and boys at a table drinking as a musician plays the lute. Engraving by A. Reindel, early 19th century, after A. Desenne after B. Manfredi, c. 1600.
  • Six fashionable young men after a drinking session, all with girls in their arms. Engraving, c. 1796.
  • The interior of a tavern with men and women carousing at a table and children on the floor. Mezzotint, early 19th century, after A. van Ostade.
  • A man plays the fiddle at a tavern table as another sings and others listen. Engraving by J. Heudelot, late 18th century, after A. van Ostade.
  • Four men smoking and drinking round a table outside a country tavern. Etching by J. Taylor (?), c. 1800, after C. Dusart.
  • A Flemish man sits holding a large glass of wine, behind another man lights his pipe. Mezzotint, 179-, after D. Teniers II.
  • A man plays the fiddle at a tavern table as another sings and others listen. Engraving by M. Liart, c. 1783, after A. van Ostade.
  • Two men sit smoking at a table, a third stands with glass upraised. Etching after A. van Ostade.
  • Six figures passing the time with various entertainments. Mezzotint by J. Wilson, 1771, after G.M. Kraus.
  • Interior of a posada with men smoking and playing cards as others and a mule rest nearby. Coloured lithograph after J. F. Lewis, 1836.