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125 results
  • Knives for cutting fine sections.
  • Zachariah Carleton, cutler, at the Case of Knives in New Street, Covent Garden, London : sells London, Birmingham & Sheffield cutlery wares : viz table knives & forks, clasp knives, razors, scissars.
  • Egyptian flint knives, predynastic.
  • Egyptian flint knives, predynastic.
  • Egyptian flint knives, predynastic.
  • Egyptian flint knives, finely worked.
  • Egyptian and Predynastic flint knives
  • Beni Hassan report, Artisans manufacturing flint knives.
  • Iron Age knives from Dechelette, Manuel d'Archeologie
  • Aurignacian Backed Knives from Les Eyzies-de-Tayac, Chatelperron, La Croze-de-Tayac, and Laussel, Marquay, France
  • Beni Hassan tomb, Egypt, Flint knives in use.
  • Beni Hassan tomb, Egypt, Flint knives in use.
  • Chinese woodcut: Types of knives and needles (5)
  • Surgical knives from Samoa, New Guinea, Central Australia,
  • Chinese woodcut: Types of knives and needles (1)
  • Chinese woodcut: Types of knives and needles (4)
  • Chinese woodcut: Types of knives and needles (3)
  • Chinese woodcut: Types of knives and needles (2)
  • Beni-Hassan tomb, Egypt, The manufacture of flint knives.
  • Beni-Hassan tomb, Egypt, The manufacture of flint knives.
  • Bookbinding: knives, scissors, clamps, etc. Engraving by Benard after Lucotte.
  • Surgical instruments, mainly needles and knives. Engraving by E. Mitchell.
  • Surgical instruments, including a tourniquet, couching needles and amputating knives. Engraving.
  • Surgical instruments for lithotomy operations, including knives, ligatures and forceps. Engraving by J. Taylor.
  • A lawyer sticking knives into a snake: the devil looks on. Etching by T. Landseer, 1831.
  • Robert Sparling, razor-maker, at the Case of Knives in St. James's Market : makes and sells all sorts of cutlers ware, as knives & forks both for table and dezert with hafts in ivory, wood or horn; silver and china, or any other curious handles mounted in the best blades &c. : makes & sells razors, scissars, fleams, sheers, pen knives... likewise surgeons instruments in ye neatest manner.
  • Two street cleaners grubbing the surface of a street with brooms and knives. Etching by J.T. Smith, 1816.
  • Saint Christine: she is flogged before being cut with red hot knives. Stipple engraving by Benard after C.A. Chasselat.
  • Two knives with ornate handles, incorporating human figures and ornament in the grotesque style. Engraving by C. Alberti, after F. Salviati, 1575/1600?.
  • Slaughter of the innocent : captive bolt pistols, electrodes, knives, scalpels, guns, rods, goads... the obsolete weapons of a needless war / The Vegan Society.