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48 results
  • Inner ear hair cell damage
  • Cochlea of the inner ear
  • Hair cells of inner ear
  • Hair cell of inner ear
  • Cochlea of the inner ear
  • Hair cell of inner ear
  • Hair cell of inner ear
  • Hair cell of inner ear
  • Hair cell of inner ear
  • Organ of Corti in inner ear
  • Cochlea of the inner ear - coloured - green
  • Cochlea of the inner ear - coloured - brown
  • Cochlea of the inner ear - coloured - purple
  • The human ear: thirteen figures showing the anatomy of the inner ear. Engraving by T. Milton, 1808.
  • Structure of the outer and inner ear. Coloured stipple engraving by J. Stewart, 18--?.
  • The human ear: the anatomy of the inner ear, as seen through above and through the skull. Engraving by T. Milton, 1808.
  • Mechanism of the inner ear. Engraving by Consitt & Goodwill, after T. Buchanan, 1823/1848 (?).
  • The human ear: a diagram showing the parts of the inner and outer ear. Coloured line engraving drawn by G. Kirtland in 1801 and published in 1815.
  • Cross-section of a skull including detail of inner ear. Pencil drawing, after an unidentified work on anatomy, ca. 1830(?).
  • A microCT 3D reconstruction of a 10-day-old chick embryo, as seen from the right hand side. The inner ear is depicted, with the semicircular canals (the body's balance organ) and the cochlea (which converts sound waves into electrical impulses) shown in green. The otic capsule, a cartilaginous structure surrounding the inner ear which develops into part of the sphenoid bone, is shown in blue.
  • The cochlea is a vital part of our ear, allowing us to detect a wide range of frequencies of sound. This is a picture showing the characteristic snail shell structure of the cochlea in the inner ear, captured on a high-resolution electron microscope. The bone usually covering the cochlea has been removed to open up a window into the hidden world of hearing.
  • Stereocilia in the vestibular organ
  • Stereocilia in the vestibular organ
  • Outer hair cells damaged by kanamycin
  • Outer hair cells damaged by kanamycin
  • Outer hair cells damaged by kanamycin
  • Vestibular hair cells
  • Outer hair cells and Deiter's cells in the cochlea
  • Stereocilia showing tip links
  • Hair cells in the utricle