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241 results
  • Hypertension-Pertenal.
  • Panels of Heart Exhibition: Hypertension
  • Ismelin in milder hypertension : full information on request.
  • Ismelin in milder hypertension : full information on request.
  • Esidrex : the most potent diuretic for oedema and hypertension.
  • Ismelin : the once-a-day way to treat hypertension.
  • Ismelin : the once-a-day way to treat hypertension.
  • Resedan : hypertension, estados nerviosos, espasmos / Establecimientos Peruanos Colliere, S.A.
  • Logical first choice in mild or moderate hypertension : 'Navidrex K'.
  • Logical first choice in mild or moderate hypertension : 'Navidrex K'.
  • Logical first choice in mild or moderate hypertension : 'Navidrex K'.
  • Logical first choice in mild or moderate hypertension : 'Navidrex K'.
  • International opinion endorses the new leader of the leaders in hypertension : Sotacor.
  • International opinion endorses the new leader of the leaders in hypertension : Sotacor.
  • International opinion endorses the new leader of the leaders in hypertension : Sotacor.
  • International opinion endorses the new leader of the leaders in hypertension : Sotacor.
  • International opinion endorses the new leader of the leaders in hypertension : Sotacor.
  • International opinion endorses the new leader of the leaders in hypertension : Sotacor.
  • International opinion endorses the new leader of the leaders in hypertension : Sotacor.
  • Officer Battalion Company 78th Ross-shire Buffs, 1834 : for distinguished service in oedema in hypertension : Neo-NaClex-K.
  • Officer Battalion Company 78th Ross-shire Buffs, 1834 : for distinguished service in oedema in hypertension : Neo-NaClex-K.
  • For use in a salt free diet : Ruthmol, the chloride-free table salt : indications: cardiac disease with decompensation, renal affections, hypertension, slow healing wounds, tuberculosis, gout, obesity, allergic phenomena, eczema (idiopathic) / The Antigen Laboratories.
  • For use in a salt free diet : Ruthmol, the chloride-free table salt : indications: cardiac disease with decompensation, renal affections, hypertension, slow healing wounds, tuberculosis, gout, obesity, allergic phenomena, eczema (idiopathic) / The Antigen Laboratories.
  • For use in a salt free diet : Ruthmol, the chloride-free table salt : indications: cardiac disease with decompensation, renal affections, hypertension, slow healing wounds, tuberculosis, gout, obesity, allergic phenomena, eczema (idiopathic) / The Antigen Laboratories.
  • For use in a salt free diet : Ruthmol, the chloride-free table salt : indications: cardiac disease with decompensation, renal affections, hypertension, slow healing wounds, tuberculosis, gout, obesity, allergic phenomena, eczema (idiopathic) / The Antigen Laboratories.
  • For use in a salt free diet : Ruthmol, the chloride-free table salt : indications: cardiac disease with decompensation, renal affections, hypertension, slow healing wounds, tuberculosis, gout, obesity, allergic phenomena, eczema (idiopathic) / The Antigen Laboratories.
  • For use in a salt free diet : Ruthmol, the chloride-free table salt : indications: cardiac disease with decompensation, renal affections, hypertension, slow healing wounds, tuberculosis, gout, obesity, allergic phenomena, eczema (idiopathic) / The Antigen Laboratories.
  • Hypertensive, vascular disease
  • Hypertensive, vascular disease
  • Hypertensive heart failure with bundle branch block treated with Ismelin.