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32 results
  • A dilapidated hay wain, pulled by emaciated donkeys (Mental and Physical Weakness) is driven by a young man (Torpor) and carries two women in rags (Poverty and Humility) while three women (Fragility, Patience and Servitude) accompany the cart; representing the attributes of human existence. Engraving by Cornelis Cort, 1564, after M. van Heemskerck.
  • A plant (Stenomesson humile): flowering stems. Coloured engraving by G. Barclay, c. 1842, after W. Herbert.
  • Saint Carlo Borromeo. Line engraving by F. Spagnoli after C. Belgiojoso.
  • A female figure in an attitude of respectful piety. Drawing, c. 1794.
  • Christ washes the feet of the apostles. Etching by R. Stang after J.F. Overbeck, 1847.
  • Christ lies on the ground, beaten and mocked. Etching by L. Simonneau after himself.
  • Christ enters Jerusalem on an ass. Etching by F.P. Massau after J.F. Overbeck, 1849.
  • Christ tells the apostles that to be as humble as a child makes one the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Etching by A. Pflugfelder after J.F. Overbeck, 1846.
  • The binding and flagellation of Christ. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, c. 1830, after L. Carracci.
  • The flagellation of Christ. Etching by H. Nüsser after J.F. Overbeck, 1843.
  • The mocking and flagellation of Christ; he is crowned with thorns and handed a reed as a mock sceptre. Line engraving by S.A. Bolswert after A. van Dyck.
  • The feast in the house of Simon the Pharisee: on the far right Mary Magdalene washes Christ's feet. Etching by V. Lefebvre after P. Caliari, il Veronese.
  • The mocking and flagellation of Christ; he is crowned with thorns and beaten with sticks. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, c. 1830, after L. Carracci.
  • Saint Mary Magdalen anoints Christ's feet at the meal of Simon the Pharisee. Etching by F.A. Ludy after J.F. Overbeck.
  • Roman soldiers beat Christ before the high priest. Line engraving by J. Sadeler, 1589, after C. Schwartz.
  • The mocking and flagellation of Christ. Line engraving by G. Sadeler after J. Palma the elder.
  • Saint Eloi (Eligus).
  • Thalia. Engraving by C. de Passe.
  • Saint Margaret. Engraving by P. Thomassin, 1589, after Raphael.
  • Honeysuckle (Lonicera species) and jasmine (Jasminum species): flowering stems. Coloured engraving by H. Fletcher, c. 1730, after J. van Huysum.
  • Saint Clement of Rome as patron saint of L'Espunyola, Catalonia. Engraving by Ferriols, woodcuts and letterpress, 17--.
  • Stages in the career of an Anglican cleric. Coloured etching by F.G. Byron, 1791, after G.M. Woodward.
  • Stages in the career of an Anglican cleric. Coloured etching by F.G. Byron, 1791, after G.M. Woodward.
  • Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian. Engraving by N. Dorigny, 1699, after D. Zampieri, il Domenichino.
  • The Immaculate Conception: the Virgin Mary descending to earth and triumphing over the serpent; underneath figures from the Old Testament bound by the serpent and chains of sin. Engraving by Philippe Thomassin after Giorgio Vasari.
  • Saint Bernard of Uberti stopping the flooding of the Po. Engraving by A. de Petri, ca. 1701, after C. Maratta.
  • The Immaculate Conception: the Virgin Mary descending to earth and triumphing over the serpent; underneath figures from the Old Testament bound by the serpent and chains of sin. Engraving by Philippe Thomassin after Giorgio Vasari.
  • A tree bearing fruit labelled with virtues; representing the life of the Christian. Coloured etching by J. Couse, c. 1780, after J. Bakewell.
  • The Lord Mayor of London kneels before King George III and presents a remonstrance on behalf of the City of London: the king has no time to read it as he is preoccupied with making buttons. Engraving, 1770.
  • The crucifixion of Christ ('The Great Crucifixion'). Engraving by Agostino Carracci, 1589, after G. Robusti, il Tintoretto.