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424 results
  • Heat-sensitive pits on lips of a Python
  • C18 Chinese woodcut: Wind-heat throat
  • Berthelot's apparatus for measuring heat of vaporization.
  • Masks and goggles against light and heat
  • Berthelot's apparatus for determining heat of combustion.
  • A mounted cow (not in heat) walking away
  • A cow in heat standing to be mounted
  • The "Eclipse" radiant heat hand lamp / Stanley Cox Ltd.
  • The "Eclipse" radiant heat hand lamp / Stanley Cox Ltd.
  • C14 Chinese medication chart: Cold, wind and heat
  • A receptacle for burning coal to heat cautery instruments. Engraving.
  • A receptacle for burning coal to heat cautery instruments. Engraving.
  • Pure milk : heat treated : please rinse bottle and return daily.
  • A tea plantation in China: workers heat and dry the tea leaves. Coloured lithograph.
  • A Vernier-like device for measuring the relative expansion of different metals when heat is applied. Engraving by T. Jefferys.
  • Physics: effects of weight, sound, heat, light, electricity and magnetism on solids, liquids and gases. Colour lithograph by C. Bethmont.
  • Sometimes things can get too hot for a condom ... : extreme heat can weaken condoms ... / Health Education Authority.
  • An inquiry into the causes of respiration; of the motion of the blood; animal heat; absorption; and muscular motion. With practical inferences / [James Carson].
  • X-ray tube a later version of the Coolidge X-ray tube. (10 k.w. heavy anode tube [air-cooled] by Philips. Heat is carried away from the target by a heavy block of copper and the metal fins.
  • Baldwin's Kidney & Gravel Pills : cures kidney & bladder troubles, pains in loins, lumbago, heat & difficulty of urine, and all obstructions of the urinary passages.
  • Bathsheba brings the young maid Abishag to the aging King David for body heat. Mezzotint by R. Earlom, 1779, after G. Farington after A. van der Werff, 1696.
  • Diagram of Simple and Compound Atmosphere taken fron "An Experimental Essay on the Consitution of mixed Gases; on the force of steam or Vapour from Water and other Liquids in different temperatures, both in Torricellion Vacuum and in Air; on Evaporation; and on the Expansion of Gases by Heat." by Mr John Dalton
  • A man in red and yellow decorative trousers sits leaning on his bare arm with another man in shorts beyond representing an advertisement for a safe sex videoshow entitled: 'In the heat of the moment' by SAD. Colour lithograph.
  • William Pitt the younger as an alchemist using a crown-shaped bellows to blow the flames of a furnace and heat a glass vessel in which the House of Commons is distilled; representing the dissolution of parliament by Pitt. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1796.
  • William Pitt the younger as an alchemist using a crown-shaped bellows to blow the flames of a furnace and heat a glass vessel in which the House of Commons is distilled; representing the dissolution of parliament by Pitt. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1796.
  • William Pitt the younger as an alchemist using a crown-shaped bellows to blow the flames of a furnace and heat a glass vessel in which the House of Commons is distilled; representing the dissolution of parliament by Pitt. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1796.
  • Astro-meteorologica, or aphorism's and discourses of the bodies coelestial, their natures and influences. Discovered from the variety of the alterations of the air, temperate, or intemperate, as to heat and cold ... sickness epidemical, maculae solis, and other secrets of nature / [J. Goad].
  • Two footballers tumbling on top of each other on the pitch with the message about the risk of HIV in the heat of the moment; one of a series of three advertisements for safer sex by the Swiss AIDS Foundation. Colour lithograph by Etienne and Etienne.
  • A footballer grabs the genitals of another player on the pitch with the message about the risk of HIV in the heat of the moment; one of a series of three advertisements for safer sex by the Swiss AIDS Foundation. Colour lithograph by Etienne and Etienne.
  • A footballer pulling the shorts down of another player on the pitch with the message about the risk of HIV in the heat of the moment; one of a series of three advertisements for safer sex by the Swiss AIDS Foundation. Colour lithograph by Etienne and Etienne.