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34 results
  • Milking cows: a teat-washing hose
  • Women fighting over men's hose. Heliogravure after the Master of 1464.
  • Women fighting over men's hose. Heliogravure after the Master of 1464.
  • Gold mining: a man using a hose to wash away soil. Wood engraving.
  • Borneo: a Kenyah man demonstrating the blowpipe, Sarawak, North Borneo. Photograph attributed to Charles Hose.
  • Borneo: a Kenyah man demonstrating the blowpipe, Sarawak, North Borneo. Photograph attributed to Charles Hose.
  • A small boy stands by a fire hydrant with a fireman's helmet on and a fire hose in his hand. Wood engraving.
  • Malaria control equipment, Italy: an apartment building hallway is treated by a man holding a hose attached to a metal canister. Photograph, 1940/1950 (?).
  • Malaria control equipment, Italy: hoses are looped up inside an apartment building; view of balconies with residents in doorways. Photograph, 1940/1950 (?).
  • Hoose mixture for calves ... / G.E. Morgan.
  • Joseph Karl Eduard Hoser. Lithograph by V.F. Šír, 1848.
  • Hosea malabarica: branch with flowers and fruit, separate flowers and fruit and cross-section of fruit and seed. Coloured line engraving.
  • An old gallant is hosed down by two interfering young men; thus preventing any over-heating of the old lecher's heart. Coloured lithograph by F.S. Bach.
  • Ma-hos-kah (White Cloud) the Younger, a chief of the Iowa tribe, leaning on a tomahawk. Coloured lithograph by J.T. Bowen after C. B. King, 1838.
  • Ma-hos-kah (White Cloud), a chief of the Iowa tribe, with facial tattooes and a bear's claw necklace. Coloured lithograph by Lehman & Duval after C. B. King, 1837.
  • Jets of water spray naked young women on a bed; suggesting the connection between enemas and eroticism. Process print after an engraving by P.L. Auvray after J.H. Fragonard.
  • Jets of water spray naked young women on a bed; suggesting the connection between enemas and eroticism. Process print after an engraving by P.L. Auvray after J.H. Fragonard.
  • Men attempt to quell the flames of the House of Commons with water piped from fire engines and a rocket attached to a man's back inscribed 'war'. Lithograph by C.J. Grant, 1834.
  • A horse with a neck skin twitch
  • Echinacea harvest (Cone Flower)
  • Sir Charles Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak. Photograph by Bassano.
  • A delegation of British health officials caricatured as a queue of Elizabethan courtiers. Pen drawing by A. Granville, 1922.
  • Two people in theatrical costume side by side, in front of a painted backrop.
  • Two people in theatrical costume side by side, in front of a painted backrop.
  • Costumes and pastimes of the nobleman. Etching by J. Amman and VZ, 1579.
  • The holy family resting among animals in Egypt. Etching by B. Baron, 1724, after F. Solimena.
  • The power of counsel: Daniel interpreting the dream related by Nebuchadnezzar. Engraving by Adrian Collaert after Jan van der Straet, 1567/1605.
  • Elisha on his way to Bethel is taunted for his baldness by small boys: he curses them, and two she-bears come out of the woods and kill the boys. Engraving by C. Ryckemans after P. de Jode.
  • A surgical operation. Etching by Stuyvesant Van Veen, 1931.
  • Saint Carlo Borromeo. Line engraving by F. van den Wyngaerde.