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  • A skeletal Asian man who has tuberculosis with a child representing a warning about the dangers of tuberculosis and HIV by the World Health Organization (WHO). Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • A black woman preparing to go out by brushing her hair, applying lipstick, attaching an earring and putting a condom in her bag with a message about the benefits of using a condom to prevent AIDS; advertisement by HERO, Health Education Resource Organisation, Baltimore. Lithograph by HEROglyphics, 1990.
  • Two hands shaking with a warning about sharing needles; an AIDS prevention advertisement by SASO, Lifeline, Lighthouse, Kripa and VHAM. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • A doctor inserting a needle into a patient's arm with a warning about the importance of using sterilized needles; an AIDS prevention advertisement by SASO, Lifeline, Lighthouse, Kripa and VHAM. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • A man puts his arm around his colleague representing a couple affected by AIDS; an AIDS prevention advertisement by SASO, Lifeline, Lighthouse, Kripa and VHAM. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • A woman carrying her HIV positive child on her back within her elaborate sari wrap; with an AIDS prevention message about caring for those who need you by SASO, Lifeline, Lighthouse, Kripa and VHAM. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • The female sign incorporating the faces of five women who work in the AIDS field with a list of list of HIV-related conditions common in women by the Maricopa Area Health Education Center. Colour lithograph by Jeff Dorgay and Creative Syndicate.